Good Character

Feeling jealous

Q: I am a student and I have friends but when they get good grades I feel a little jealous but when I get good grades, they do the same thing. I don't want to compete with them but they always compare themselves with me. I don't want to get compared but what can I do to avoid this feeling. I don't want to compete with them.

Mocking and ridiculing people

Q: Person A tells Person B the following joke. He says the memon was in Jahannam when he met his friend. His friend said to him that you were so pious, how did you end up here? The memon replied that I have a place in Jannah, but I put my house in Jannah on rent. Person B laughed at the joke. I am aware that in Surah Tauba that there is a verse which speaks about joking about Allah and his signs and this leading one to come out of the fold of Islaam. In the scenario presented above, do both A and B lose their Imaan and in the process invalidate their Nikah?

Changing one's age

Q: In Pakistan it is possible by unfair means to reduce your age on a official level. So 5 years ago when I was I a child 12 or 13 years old I don't have much knowledge about Deen, what's right, what's wrong. I wasn't aware of the result of the act my father did. Five years ago my father reduced my age just by one year. So now I'm 18 but according to legal papers I'm 17. And because of that act I have to lie every where I go. I can't reverse the act because if I go and increase my age then all my educational degrees would become false and fraud. So I feel very guilty about the act my father did to me. I have to lie everywhere and I am facing a lot of problems because of that act. My questions are:

1. Is my father responsible for every sin I earn because of telling lie about my age?

2. What should I do? lie my whole life?

3. I've forgiven my father but I can't forget what he's done to me. So tell me a way to forget.

Moving a cat from the blanket

Q: I sleep on the floor in a friends house and during the night the cat always comes around me and when I go asleep it creeps up and also sleeps on top of my blanket. When I was changing sides I realised weight on my feet which was the cat so I tried to move it, but it wouldn't move so my friend moved it. I felt so bad because it was comfortable on my blanket. Will I be question by the Lord Almighty because I try my best to show love to the creations of Allah Ta'ala?

Speaking lies and deception

Q: I get schooling allowance for my kids from my company. Let say 1000. But actual fee is only 100 because the school is not of good standard. For that reason i have to send my kid for special private tuition which cost me 300 which is not entertained by company. transportation fee is covered but i do not claim because my house is near to school my kid goes by walk. The question is can I submit fake transportaion bill, once claimed i want to cover private tuition fee. Note all these expenses are within the range the company offers me that is 1000.

Cursing people

Q: I have a question I am confused about. When I am in some situations some people are bad and wrong from there side according to Islam also. In such a kind of situation we take action against them and we are pure and right from our side same as according to Islamic rule and we raise our voice and the person who is wrong they ignore our mistakes and such person gives curse and some bad words to the that loyal person, so my confusion is here that the curse given by that bad person will really come true in the future. We always see that some people give curse in jealousy or in other cases but the innocent person has to suffer from all this. Why doesn't that curse get back to such people when actually they are wrong? Why all time the innocent people have to face and get scared from curse all the time. In such a case what should I do?