Good Character

Free software for students

Q: One company gives software free for students. Those students who have university email addresses can apply for this free software. I am a student but my university doesn't provide us with an email address. If I download this software and crack it for my use as a student, then is it a sin? They provide free for all students, if I don't have a university email still I am a student.

Insulting Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: If someone insults the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then should there be any punishment for him, looking at the fact that he did not kill any innocent human being, and as Allah Ta'ala says that we should forgive anyone who says bad words to us, and we should reply with Salaam? I need references from Quran and the Saheeh Hadith, only then I will believe.

Speaking lies

Q: I never do very well as I normally do in my exams and due to fear of my father, I had forged some of my results and made them higher to present to my father. When I was doing this action I had the frame of mind that by doing so, this deception is allowed because I am preventing any harm to family ties between myself and my father. I do not know if my thinking has any basis on this 'white lying' notion.

(1) Have I committed haraam and just made everything worse with Allah Ta'ala by justifying and 'halaalizing' the wrong?

(2) If so, is my foolish act of 'justifying' it to myself tantamount to kufr?

(3) In addition to Taubah, if I have committed a wrong, is it necessary to reveal my proper results to my father? This incident happened about two months ago.


Q: If a person has a disability but on the form he fills out to claim benefits he makes up some stuff about the help he needs for example he says he needs help eating and cutting up food when he doesn't and he needs help getting to the masjid but he can go on his own does the money he receives become haram as the amount of money he would get depends on the help he needs. So the person has got the actual illness (he hasn't lied about that) but just about the help he needs.

Cheating and Deceiving

Q: In our college it is required that students attend 75% lectures throughout the year. But lectures waste time of students and are of no benefit. Also in lectures students mark false attendance (proxy) of their friends and the teachers themselves know this but do not cancel such attendance. As a result the honest person suffers because on record his attendance is always shown less due to some absentees for reasons as compared to majority of students who are always marked present falsely. This creates poor impression at the end of year on examiner about honest person when examiner sees that his attendance is below than others which is injustice to one who is truth. So is it permissible that I tell my friend to mark my proxy attendance bearing in mind that Allah knows that the teachers themselves are promoting this corruption, to prevent injustice to me and to save my time and instead use time to good use at home because why should I suffer for being honest when teachers themselves don’t bother and coming to class is mere waste of time?


Q: If a person has committed backbiting against someone, and wants to make taubah from backbiting, and the person he was backbiting about does not know about it, does one have to go and tell the person I said this and that about you, make maaf, or can one beg forgiveness from Allah and do some good action and send the sawaab to the person?