
Whirling dervishes, long zikr programs and burying someone with a piece of the Ka'bah cloth

Q: Clarification on zikr, self hypnosis in regard to some sufi practices.

1. Are self-hypnosis techniques like whirling dervishes common during the Rumi era, haraam? Are their practices considered a bid'ah?

2. Likewise many groups hold zikr sessions which last a long time. It includes chanting, is this considered a bid'ah?

3. Many buzurgs get buried with a small part of the kiswa fabric. Is this considered a bid'ah? Is calling any of these practices openly a bid'ah, haraam?

Women enjoying exclusive favours in Jannah

Q: I always got amazed when reading about Friday markets in Jannah and what happens there and it got me wanting to do good deeds to enter paradise. However, I read somewhere that only men go to Friday market and women don't. The description of Friday market is very amusing and wants everyone want to be there but I feel heartbroken that even if I make it to paradise I won't be able to get there purely because I am a female. Why don't women get a Friday market? If Friday markets are only for men, then what do women get?

Imaan is a precondition for Jannat

Q: If my non Muslim neighbour passed away and me as a Muslim assume that this person is going to jahannam forever and ever and ever. Then there is a hadith about a prostitute who gave a thirsty dog water to drink and she was granted entry into jannat. So is it right for me to think that the non Muslim neighbour is going to jahannam?