
Taking part in a 'haldi ceremony'

Q: I have a question regarding the haldi ceremony. I have learnt that this haldi ceremony is a religious ceremony of Hindus. However, many Muslims in our country celebrate this haldi ceremony before a wedding. As far as I know, this is a grave sin and this is imitating the kuffar, but does it take one out of the fold of Islam?

Comprehensive tajweed kitaab

Q: Several years ago, my Qaari Saheb taught me proper, comprehensive tajweed principles along with their application. Eventually, I forgot the principles although if I am asked to recite something, I can Alhamdulillah recite it properly.

I wish to revise tajweed. Please suggest a book (in any language: English, Urdu, or Arabic) that explains the principles comprehensively.

Muslim child celebrating Halloween in school

Q: In school, the teacher and students celebrate Halloween. Can a Muslim child (7 years) celebrate Halloween with the teacher and other students? Can the Muslim kids just celebrate it for fun? Is it kufr to celebrate Halloween?

If the teacher gives some gift to the Muslim student, for example, some sticker to colour and a pumpkin mask for Halloween, can the kids play with it (the kids don't know about Halloween)?

Advice for children to learn

Q: Please help me with any dua or wazifa to make the brain strong for reading, understanding and implementing.

1. My 4 year old kid is not learning anything at all and is very stubborn. I believe his mind is not towards studying. Please suggest a wazifa to sharpen his brain to study well.

2. For myself, I am 36 years old and I want an upgrade in my career and want to learn some courses. Please suggest a wazifa so that I can also concentrate on my studies as my brain is also not sharp in studies.

Sun rising from the west before Qiyaamah

Q: My question is about sunset and sunrise. We learnt that one of the signs of Qiyaamat is that the sun will rise from the west. We know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but scientists say that it the earth is rotating around the sun. So the sun is not moving because the Earth is rotating on an axis around it.

In the Quraan or Hadith it is written that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west but before Qiyamat, it will rise in the west and set in the east. So this point is opposite of the reality that we know where the sun is actually not moving and is at the same place but the earth is moving. It seems that the Quraan and Hadith is contracting with the reality? How is it possible?