
Creation of the earth and theory of evolution

Q: How was the earth created by Allah Ta'ala?

Did Allah Ta'ala create all the animals and species that are present in the world today or have the species gone through evolution that made them so numerous?

Was the world that is today the same as when it was created? How long ago (in years) was the world created?

Was there a time when there were no humans in this world?

Were there dinosaurs in this world?

Also, I know that evolution through ape-like is not correct, but Darwin also says that birds and other animals have evolved. So for example, how there were birds with a certain type of beak but now those birds are on different places where their food is different so their beaks "evolved" into different shapes depending on whichever suited their environment better. Can we as Muslims believe this or not?

Muslim attending non-Muslim festivals

Q: Is it allowed to accept an invitation from non-Muslims during their festivals which involves shirk (ganeshotsav) and go and eat with them?

We live in a building with all non-Muslims and they gather at night and perform rituals of festivals, sing songs and listen to songs with music on loudspeakers. One non-Muslim has invited all people of building for food.

Teacher doing academic criticism

Q: If a person followed Arabic classes and the teacher at times would mention criticism about the author of the book in terms of the way he structured the book. If the student used to think that the teacher is doing academic criticism and if he thought this was okay, then later on when he heard the teacher, the way it sounded did not sound correct, if the person listened to the teacher thinking it was academic criticism and okay, would that amount to kufr?

Why are men favoured with more rewards in paradise?

Q: I am really interest in Islam and there is so much peace in it but there are few things confusing me.

Why are men favoured with rewads? For example, I am reading on Islamic websites that Allah Ta'ala favours men over women in paradise because he grants them a reward that is not granted to women which is having many beautiful spouses, but women only have one spouse and there is one exlusive reward for men but no exclusive rewards to women. From this my understanding it that all rewards granted to women are granted to men, but not all rewards granted to men are given to women, or at least they are not rewarded as much as men for their worship.

So for example, if a man and a woman both have 10 000 deeds, lets say each gets the same number and quality of palace, garden, rivers, so in all of that they are equal, but the man will be given many wives (for example 10) and the women is given only one husband, so even though both have the same level of piety, the man is given more rewards than the woman by 9. Does the woman get compensated with more of another form of reward? Otherwise, how can it be justice that even though both have the same number of good deeds the man gets more? But

When it comes to punishment, then it seems that women get punished more. For example, in marriage, I always see husband abuse being a major sin and warned about, but I do not see anyone saying that wife abuse is a major sin, nor it has been warned about and associated with punishment.