
Believing that the birth of someone is a cause of ill fortune

Q: I am 22 years old. From my childhood until this moment, my father could not get a house. My parents get up for tahajjud and make prayers etc. But we are not getting an answer for a house. What would be the reason?

My father had told me long before that it is because of my birth that they could not achieve anything. Could that be the reason?

I have often noticed that I am a person who gets punished on the spot for doing wrong, is it because Allah doesn't like me?

It is said that Allah shows good dreams and Shaythan shows bad dreams. I my 22 years and I haven't ever seen a good dream, rather I have seen many weird and filthy dreams that is even nauseating to talk about. Is it because Allah doesn't love me?

How do I know if Allah likes me. I have committed a sin to my parents, i.e. I thought they were doing wrong and made them cry. I felt that they were wrong but it was only because I couldn't understand them. Is there any way that I can repent?

Is backbiting shirk?

Q: Does backbiting mean its shirk and after judgement we cannot go to paradise even after Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)'s intercession?

If I backbited and do not go to the person because of feeling shy, how can I tell this person? Can we do tauba so that Allah knows that we tried our best not to backbite? Can this be forgiven?.

Throwing food at the groom before the wedding

Q: When people in my family get married, they normally make a big thing with the groom. They splash him and throw food on him and make a big noise. This is before the nikaah. When he gets married then they trouble the couple and on the first night they peep and other things.

Would this be emulating kuffaar? I hate participating in this, but they force me to and get angry when I don’t participate and really give it to me. How should I combat this?