
Attending khatams

Q: I was invited to attend a khatam. Can you explain what it is and am I in the wrong for not attending as I was requested but I follow the sunnah of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and was it ever mentioned to do khatam or milad and so on?

Fear of committing kufr

Q: I am getting married and I am worried about Imaan and kufr. Since I heard that nikah will be nullified if one of the two did kufr, what precautions should one take?

Is it kufr to like kuffaar daily life ways? E.g. If someone wears kuffar clothes like pants and shirt, if we praise that person by saying that they are looking pretty in this dress, so is this kufr? There are many kuffaar thing which people have adopted nowadays and my husband to be is a duniyadar. Please guide. 


Q: A person told me that what is the need for making taqleed? ...The Angels of death won't ask "are you Wahhabi? Are you Shia? Are you Sunni? etc." They will ask Mann Rabbuka, Ma Deenuka and Mann Nabbiyka? Mufti Saheb, is this correct?

Breaking away from a person who has left Islam

Q: My bestfriend is 20 years old. He was raised as a Muslim but he had some misconceptions about Islam. He left Islam once and came back but he still wasn't 100% convinced and he was scared. Now he isn't scared anymore and he doesn't believe in god anymore. He studies advanced physics and most physicists don't believe in god. He says that there's no evidence of god, no evidence of splitting of the moon and no evidence that Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was a real prophet. He says religion started several wars and killed many innocent people and how Allah would be fair to send people in the past prophets and miracles and now Allah doesn't give us any proofs. It was also written in the Qur'an that we existed 6000 years ago and it's been found by fossils that our species existed 200000 years ago. What should I do?