Fulfilling the rights of one's father

Q: We have been married for 42 years. Her father objected and still to this day refuses to speak to me despite me extending my hand many times. He did not attend the weddings of our children even though they went to ask him personally. My wife recently went to meet him against my wishes - she says she has a right because it's her father, is this allowed?

Nude arts class

Q: I was just enrolled in an "arts appreciation" class in college without knowing that they show nude art in it as well. I heard medical students are permitted to look at nudity for educational purposes. I was wondering if the same applies for my business degree. My degree plan does not require me to take this class in particular (it still requires some kind of art such as music, dance, or drama), but it would be a problem for me if I have to drop this class since it's already paid for. I'm pretty sure I don't have to draw any animate beings in this class, it's mostly analysis of art.

Picture making

Q: I have a question regarding pictures and videos. Taking own picture or others is haram or halaal and why? Taking own videos or others is haram or halaal and why?

Urine drops

Q: I am a male and I follow the Shafi'i madhab. I need some advice for the following problems: I get clear sticky leakage in little amounts from the male organ and I cannot be sure when it will come out but I know it's bound to come out at some point. I always try to make instinja before wudu but even then the leakage is random and it occurs everyday at different times without any arousal. This problem really hinders my worship because I fear that if I make wudu and walk to the masjid it would come out and not feel it because most of the time I cant feel it come out. When reading Quran it may also come out and then I don't know it. When Jumuah comes around I fear that my wudu would break before jumuah salah then I don't even know it. I'm not sure if I'm excused or not. If I am an excused person what is the difference between the Shafi'i and Hanafi way. I once wiped my phone with methylated spirits because I needed to stick on a screen protector. Is my phone napak?

Spotting after haidh

Q: If a married woman has her periods (less than the normal flow) for 7 days. Then again after 2 to 3 days there is thin line of pinkish or sometimes red with whitish discharge, not like periods just, but once in a day for 5 to 6 days. Is it haidh or istihaza? Should she continue her prayers and can she do intercourse?