Registering a child on the mother's name

Q: I am a second wife currently pregnant and my husband and his parents are emotionally and verbally abusing me. His first marriage is in community of property leaving all of his assets to his first wife while mine was just a nikaah and he has only provided a house for me. He has always falsely accused me of being unfaithful when I gave him no reason to believe so. He says that the child I'm carrying is not his. I am very hurt and I have left my home and don't want to go back to him. Can I register my child using my surname because of the situation that I'm in? He has also told me that he will be selling my house. He left nothing for me and our unborn child while his first family lives a cosy lavish life. Please advise me.

Having intimacy with one's wife while she is menstruating

Q: This is a general question but necessary all the time for those who are living abroad without their family. After long period (over 6 months). I am going for a short vacation to my home country for 5 days. During this 5 days, if my wife gets her menses, what do I need to do? Is it haram to get intimate with my wife or is it exempted, because i will not have another chance for several months thereafter.

Marrying the sister of a boy one committed homosexual acts with

Q: Today I am going to share a problem here with you and hope you will clarify it.

Many years ago (about 10 years) when I was nearly 20 years old I had an unlawful relation with a boy. (may Allah the most merciful forgive my sins). Now I am going to marry his sister inshallah. Please help us in this matter. And please elaborate how a girl gets haram over a boy if the boy had an unlawful relation with brother of girl.

Contributing money for transporting foreigners deceased bodies to their home countries

Q: Foreigners in South Africa usually transport their dead by plane to their homeland for burial. This practice exists among Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis. They are adamant on sending the body back to their respective country for burial. They even collect money for the transportation costs (which includes embalming of the body). Please issue a ruling on contributing for such purposes.