Consulting one's parents with regards to nikaah

Q: Please advise: I am a 25 year old female and feel that I am ready for marriage. My parents have been looking for a suitable spouse for me. So far I have had boys (who were suggested my family members/family friends) come home to propose but it did not go further because both I and my family felt that the boy and I were not compatible. An old friend (female) recently contacted me through Facebook and said that her cousin (who went to the same school as me -7 years ago) is ready for marriage and would like to contact my parents. I am aware of the fitna of social media and have been very careful about how I use it. I do not post any pictures of myself so I am certain that this is not the reason that her cousin would like to speak to my parents. Would you advise that I give this friend my parents' contact details? Or would it be better to turn down her request and wait for another proposal to be suggested by a family member?

Fidyah for missed fasts

Q: Should fidyah (penalty for not fasting) be paid on behalf of a dead person who didn't fast for many years? If yes then what is the ruling of the number of years she didn't fast is not known? Detail of question is that my mother didn't fast for an unknown number of years due to negligence and because she was disabled to some extent for a long time but she was able to fast in that condition.

Attending a wedding with a mixed gathering

Q: I have a family wedding where I know there will be a mixed gathering and music. I spoke to the family member and asked to be excused from the wedding but in return she said she will be upset and will never forget I did not attend her daughters wedding and cannot excuse me from attending. I explained the only reason for not attending is due to fear of sin and to abide by what Allah Ta'ala has commanded. From our conversation I believe she will no longer have anything to do with me if I do not attend. This situation is causing me great anxiety. On one hand I do not want Allah Ta'ala to be displeased with me and on the other I do not want the family member to break ties either, what do I do? 


Q: If I experience pre-seminal leakage that is apparent in every salah time am I excused or not? I cannot feel it come out but I know it will be there in every salah time although it isn't constantly flowing. It causes me great difficulty having to check everytime if something has come out... because I may be reading salah or Quran and fear that my wudu has broken but I wouldn't even feel it. If someone were excused do they need to wash the private area everytime and does the cloth covering the private part need to be changed everytime?