Ghusal after haidh

Q: I suffered from continuous bleeding for many months now it's not continuous. But when I calculated my period time and break I calculated wrong. What should I do now? Mistakenly I considered nine days for period instead of ten days. I do wudu before ghusl everyday but I didn't have any intention of fard ghusl after completing 10 days. Are all my prayers fasts in ramadan unaccepted? What do I do now?

Vaginal discharge

Q: I have a problem of vaginal discharge. Whenever I put my finger inside to check It feels wet but I don't feel it without putting finger as its inside and sometimes I feel that the discharge coming out and sometimes its white discharge which leaves a stain in my dress. Am I ma'zoor in every state? And sometime blood comes out but as the discharge happens normally I cant distinguish between blood and discharge without seeing. In this case what should I do? If I see blood stain after performing my salaah?


Q: Can we consume the ingredient e904 known as shellac, which is a secretion of a bug. Some Ulama say that it is permissible just like how honey is a secretion from the bee and is permissible. Please give a satisfactory answer.

Intercourse during iddat

Q: My husband gave me one talaaq a week ago but now it just so happened that we had intercourse again. I want to know is the talaaq still valid and if we are still divorced because he said that sleeping together after the talaaq does not mean we are married again.