Threatening one's mother that one will divorce one's wife

Q: I want to ask a question relating to divorce. Actually I went through a certain situation of argument with my mom in front of my wife where I told my mom unintentionally that if you think I am not good with you after marriage I will divorce (talaaq) her and be good with you. But this statement was unintentional and just meant to make my mom realize that I am not changed. Whats the ruling of this?


Q: My issue is that I have urine drops problem. It is not specific to the time when I use the toilet, rather it is continuous. Sometimes a drop or two leaks after a few minutes and sometimes half an hour may also pass without any drops. I mean there is no regular pattern according to which one may follow the ruling for maintaining wuzu/taharah. Cannot decide on wether I should consider myself as mazoor or not. What method should I apply to safeguard my ibadaat?

And what is the boundary regarding ascertaining by one's ownself about leakage of drops? I ask this becuase even when drops leak within a few minutes, I do not specifically know that at this instant wuzu has broken. Shall I consider this lack of knowledge of the wuzu breaking event continuity of wuzu and keep doing ibadat. If yes, for what duration shall I continue the said consideration i.e. can I go on to pray the witr and taraweeh with wuzu for faraiz?

Which type of debts will be deducted when calculating zakaat?

Q: I was informed by certain Ulama that when calculating my Zakaat, I should only exclude my yearly liabilities and debts. Apart from that, I should pay Zakaat on my entire wealth. These Ulama explain that the reason for excluding the yearly instalments and liabilities is that it is treated as a debt that is payable immediately. The liabilities and debts over and above the yearly instalments will not be taken into account since it is Mu’ajjal (deferred). Is this view correct?

The Shar'ee law regarding khula'

Q: If a woman asks her husband to set her free from her marriage (asking for talaaq or khula') because her husband had found out that she has a boyfriend that she refuses to severe ties with and even if the husband reluctantly agrees to her unreasonable demand even after numerous meetings and compromises. Can husband ask the wife to return all his belongings like Mehr, jewellery, clothes, holidays as the husband did not gave her as gift. What is sharia ruling regarding husbands rights? Does the husband have the right to demand the return of all his items. Can you please give us the sharia ruling on this matter Wallahu Alam. The husband demands return of his property as a precondition before giving khula. Jazakallah

Accumulating interest money


1. Is it permissible to use interest earned on a bank account to donate to charity?

2. If so, can you then invest the interest earned into a separate bank account so as to let it accumulate so an even bigger amount can be donated in charity?

3. If not, what are some of the many ways in which one can dispose of interest received?

Insane person issuing talaaq

Q: What is the shari'ah law about a person who is mentally I'll. His mood swings every know and then, not wearing cloths properly, arguing with every one include mother and wife and relative's. Don't sleep during Knight, doctors diagnosed him as psychotic patient with severe palpations and he is on medication. During one big argument he became insane what ever he is talking he is not aware of what he is saying. His wife said that he said talaaq repeatedly. What is the rule for it?