Will an object be impure if there are no signs of impurity visible?


1. If someone gets scratched by a persons nail accidently and blood begins to flow or a person gets cut with a knife and blood begins to flow but no blood can apparently be seen by the naked eye on the person (who scratched you) nail nor can blood be apparently seen by the naked eye on the knife, does the person who scratched you have to wash his nail or does the knife become napaak and have to be washed even though you can apparently see no blood with your naked eye?

2. In a similar scenario, if you are not sure when or which object cut you and caused blood to flow and no blood can apparently be seen on anything or a glass shatters and a piece cuts you but you are not sure which tiny piece that is now scattered on the floor cut you and no blood can apparently be seen on any of the pieces, do you regard everything in the vicinity as napaak even though no blood can apparently be seen by you on anything?


Q: My husband told my mum last year that he divorces me twice in one sitting. He later said he doesn't remember this and following saying it he smashed his phone. He said it was as if he was not present when saying it, he didnt realise. Is this counted as talaq or ighlaq? I can only take his word for it. Since then, he has said many times that 'main khatam karna chahta hun aj' meaning I want to end it today. But when asked he says he has no intention of divorce and it was only in anger. I cannot live my life as I don't know if I am married anymore.

Cure for baldness

Q: I have heard many times that there is shifa for each and every disease in reading Qur'an. I am suffering from hair loss, baldness severely and want to know if there is any Surah with which I can benefit or from Tibbe Nawabi. Honestly speaking I am suffering from baldness from last 11 years and still have hope in Allah that this will be cured. Can you please suggest as per our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) remedies or reciting of any Surah.

Reciting "​​La ilaha illallah" 70,000 times

Q: Is it an innovation to recite Kalima "​​La ilaha illallah" ​​70,000 times with hope that the deceased will be saved from the punishment of ​​grave and ​​Hell fire? I really wish to know that and is thinking of doing this for my mother who died on 5th July 2017. Help me in this regard and please pray for the forgiveness of my mother and all the muslims.

Wazifa for happy married life

Q: I have two questions:

1. My husband applied for British passport but since one year he got no reply. I applied after him but I got a British passport within two months. Please  tell us any dua to read.

2. My sister got married in march 2017 but her husband is not good. Now his father in law died. She is in Pakistan but her husband is not willing to bring her to the UK. Can you tell us any dua or surah to read for a happy married life and she will able to come here. 

Thoughts of talaaq

Q: My wife and I were having a conversation. We were talking about something regarding the sleeping patterns of our child. She wanted to try a different technique for our child who wakes up often at night to feed. I made the statement "Why don't you go to your parents house and try it". Prior to making this statement my intention was she go to her parents house for holiday. However I was aware that certain statements of this nature may constitute talaq. While I was making the statement, the thought and feeling came in my mind that my intention is talaq. I suffer from waswasa with certain things like whudu and salaah.

Does this constitute talaq?