Performing ghusal due to feeling wetness upon awakening

Q: Please tell me in which situation I will have to perform ghusl if mani is not released but feel little wetness

1. If I saw a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual

2. I saw a dream in which I feel nervous or shy but don't do anything sexual 

3. A dream in which I got a little bit aroused but not anything sexual

b. If I am at first stage of my sleep but not sleep completely and some dirty things flashes but I don't feel vaginal throbbing or not my heart beat goes fast so does this count as a wet dream and do I have to perform ghusl?

Soy Sauce

Q: I have recently found out naturally brewed Soy Sauce contains alcohol. I am confused as I don't believe Soy Sauce is an intoxicant, however there are fatwas saying it is Halal and people saying it is Haram. Can you advise?

Marital problems

Q: I am unable to adjust with my in-laws. The moment I decide to have a family feeling they taunt me for my work done and my mom's family related to dowry. I don't want to have any hard feelings on them please suggest me Islamic way to deal my relationship with them and my husband. Going to be a mother soon please suggest me some things to do to have a obedient child.

Serving one's mother

Q: I am the only child left from three siblings. 6 years ago my wife any myself made a decision to move from Cape Town to Gauteng along with our 3 kids. They are aged now 14, 8, 9. My dad passed on two weeks ago which is leaving my mom alone in Cape Town she is disable and not working. I want to know what does Almighty Allah and the Quran order me to do as my wife is refusing to move back to Cape Town and I want to move as I am not happy in Gauteng in any case. I want to move back to look after my mom. She needs me. In my view a wife is replaceable but my mom not. My wife and myself don’t have a “healthy” marriage in either case. Help me I do not know what to do I cannot sleep or concentrate nor do I eat. This is eating me up.

Fear of being unable to satisfy one's wife

Q: I am a male, 26 years old and newly married (7months). My wife and I are very good humans with average Islamic knowledge but very happy. I provide almost every common thing she needs and she is very happy in today's era, a car, house, clothes, food hangout, movies etc. very good and my parents are really happy with her. I have been a a bad human before and only Allah can forgive for the sins but I hate the past and very happy with present and looking for a better future.. Since I have had multiple sexual relations before and everything, I don't have a high sex drive anymore and my wife is pretty much a virgin as I know her family background and since I know women alot, I can tell that after living for 7 months with her... The thing is she is not interested in sex and because I have done so much bad in my past I also feel fine and I am never upset or sad when she gives me excuse if I try... But I am just scared since I want to be a nice Muslim. If this is my duty to satisfy her or if angels or Allah is angry at her bcz of me? I don't want sex from her if she cannot give me and I want her to go to heaven and that's why even if I have 1% sad feeling about sex I just say Allah I am happy and not upset with her I swear dont be angry on. But on my part I am scared if she curse me for not giving her sex? Since as I know women well but in this case by grace of Allah I am very nice husband overall so I have no doubt she is happy with everything else also the other thing I am scared is if she doesn't find me attractive? Since I'm not a handsome guy compare to average but women do get attached with guys if together so that shouldn't be issue.. My question is is it ok if we r happy and we don't sex at all or is it a must to have sex also i dont want kids now aswell so sex for pleasure is the only thing I'm worried about her the most.