Impermissible practices in weddings

Q: Just wanted to ask the ruling and some advice regarding an Islamic wedding. My weddings coming up soon and Ive been told that my spouse is not allowed to sit to eat with me on the wedding day. The wedding will be fully segregated but is the groom allowed to come into the womens hall to sit next to the bride to eat? They will be no massive entrance that all the women will look at the groom entering. Also the table will be in the corner of the hall and only immediate family would be sat around. So is this allowed? As Ive been told I am not allowed to see my spouse at all until the end of the wedding but isnt a wedding day meant to be spent with the one you are marrying? The nikah will be done weeks before so Im guessing its ok in Islam to sit next to your spouse on the actual day.

I have learnt that the best nikah or wedding is the one with the least expenses. Alhamdullilah we have spent on a budget but its just these few problems that have appeared. Also Ive been told that cutting a cake with your spouse is against islam too. Is this true? Maybe its not a sunnah but is it forbidden in islam? The cake would be cut towards the end where there is only close family left. So im confused as to why it is not allowed.

I have also been given many negative thoughts about married life. For example if I was to be upset about something my in laws would hate me for it and my marriage wouldn't work out. As long as I know marriage is meant to be a happy step in life. I know some parts would be upsetting like leaving home but why am I getting negative thoughts about marriage. I have already thought the worse about everything and it has got the better of me. Im just confused and feel sad about getting married now. As all these thoughts have filled my head up and i can no longer see any positive in my life or the future. I just need some advice on this matter.

Debit cards

Q: I want your fatwa regarding the use of debit card. I understand that using credit card incurs interest when the withdrawn amount exceeds the amount in the person's account with the bank as the overdraft provided by the bank is charged with interest. However, the use of debit card withdraws amount only upto the amount present in the persons bank account and therefore no overdraft facility is provided. This means no interest is charged. I therefore want to ask, is the use of debit card lawful as per islamic principles and allowed? The amount payed on the issuence and renewal of the card is the cost of the use of the card facility as per my knowledge and does not involve interest. Please provide me a clear answer.

Giving someone money to buy drugs

Q: I regret to inform you that my younger brother is a drug addict from many years. His wife has also left him because of this. He has a 14 year old daughter and my mother is taking care of him. We have tried many times to treat him for drug addiction but he again starts taking drugs. He says that he cannot even move without drugs. My mother is suffering very much seeing his condition. She cannot see him dying in front of her eyes. She has to give him money for drugs and she feels that we should also give him money for drugs otherwise he would die. My question is, can I give him money for drugs or is it a sin? Please answer me as I am in a dilemma.