Three written talaaqs

Q: I want to query about talaaq. Please tell me that a written talaq is declared if written 3 times on paper at once? I mean is it considered as 1 or 3 if written at same time but written talaq talaq talaq at once? Please elaborate.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: We carried out an istikhara for my son almost a year ago for a college girl he was interested in. The Aalim said no. My son got very disturbed and heard from someone that istikhara can be repeated after some time. During this year almost, he prayed five times and performed umrah with the family and did istikhara himself and saw himself offering prayer. He says he is satisfied and the answer is yes from Almighty Allah. He only resolves around any option confirming his yes but we the parents still wish to seek guidance. We want some responsible authority to say ok before we take decision. Please help us!!

Relatives worshipping snakes

Q: Our relatives mostly are hypocrites. Sometimes they openly say that they worship snakes etc... And also mention that they have jinn's (supernatural powers), they say that they instruct that power to do work and it will happen for real! They know that Alhamdulillah we will never go in these acts what they are doing, there is always like a competition between them and us, although we read muawwazatein, aayatul kursi, aamanar rasulu, sure kahf for protective purpose. After we meet them, at least one of us suffers severe headache, and bone pains and back pain like our bones are crushing and muscles are twisting. It happens for the entire night. The next day we will be normal. Also, they don't have manners, before they come to our home (without informing us), any member of our family opens the door for any work, they just come into the room and sit down. They sometimes give us a warning that "see that one hadn't obeyed us and now he is suffering from this disease" they always warn us like that, before they arrive or after they go from our home, my parents always fight (very harshly).  I ask you for a powerful dua from the Quran and hadith which resist's all the bad powers from the hypocrites and their supernatural attackings.

In-laws demanding big amount of money

Q: I performed only nikah with a girl back in February 2016. Her elder sister is married with my elder brother. Now some problems happened between my brother and his wife and they even went to court for their personal matter solution. Her family started threatening us and told us clearly that they will not arrange to send their 2nd daughter who is my wife to our house untill we write any property or big amount on her name. We are not able to meet this demand and it was also not a part when nikah was performed. Now I have decided to divorce her immediately. But may be in future I still expect they might change their conditions. What should I do? If I divorce her, what will be the possibilities and how can I remarry her if any solution is done? Please guide me.

Purdah in the home

Q: We are living in a combined family system. my grandparents, parents, uncles, my brothers and my cousins in one big house. My mothers brothers visits us many times a week. I want to ask that to who and how should my wife make parda from these reletives " parday ka hukam kya ha ?"