Selling products online

Q: My Question is as follows. I want to start selling items on a website called It is a website were people can sell handmade items. The way it will work is that the website charges you a small fixed fee to list the item and then they take 3.5percent of the sale price once the item is sold. Also people can pay through paypal and they can pay with a credit card which means it they will be buying on account which will then be an interest transaction for them. Alot of people sell other items, some of which is haraam and alot of other stuff has to with other religions. It is permissible to sell through this website and would it be a wholesome way to earn a living or will it be better to find other avenues to sell goods?

Breaking an oath

Q: A person says "If I commit such and such a sin, I will fast every Monday and Thursday". The person committed the sin so started fasting. Does the option of paying kaffarah for breaking an oath still remain or has it closed because he has already started fasting?

Marital problems

Q: I got married 4 months ago. It was under family pressure but I did say yes ultimately. After struggling for 6 years of saying no they finally convinced me. I was more inclined towards the other guy who was interested in me (There was no haram relation between us) I kept the option infront of my mother but she declined due to this rishta who happens to be my cousin. After 4 months or so I dont feel attracted to my husband at all and I am thinking of the other guy who was better looking, had a good job and everything was perfect, I never leave my salaah, I have seeked Allah's help but Im in misery as my husband and I are not bonding up due to my lack of interest. What should I do?

Unable to talk to people

Q: I am suffering from a very bad situation. I am unable to deal with people. I can't talk to people. I have no confidence, no boldness. While I am in the presence of people, I begin to run away from there immediately. I feel that I am being pressed by people. I can't talk to even my parents. My collegeous friends also not talk to me. It is very serious problem. Since my childhood, I am less of a talker. But now at college level talking is very important. So, hazrat, please tell me any dua or wazifa so that I can beg to Allah.

Statement that does not constitute divorce

Q: Me and my husband were talking and he asked me to give him milk, so I was like plain or hot, but he wanted a smoothy like milk. I didn't feel like making it so he was upset. I told him to have good character and show akhlaaq. He said that I do a lot of sabr. So I said, like my step mum? He said yes. (My step mum has a problem with her step mum in law and she dont want to keep her anymore because of issues they have so she said she cant make sabr anymore and she dont want her in her house). Does that consitute a divorce? Because he said he did a lot of sabr.

Earnings of a web developer

Q: I am a web developer. I did a job of a website which has some relation with alcohol. I didn't know before I accept the job.

Details: I got a job more than 1 year ago to build a website. That is a "Tour website". I built it's structure, and they filled up their content themselves. After the first contract was done, they contracted me time to time for more small work of structure changing in the same website. Once I noticed that their tour package names are "... place BEER Package", "... place WINE Package" etc. I cannot remember, when exactly I noticed it. But, since I noticed "BEER,WINE", I'm confused about my earning from it.

Today I asked them: "Alcohol (Beer, Wine etc.) is involved with your business. Right?"

They answered: "Yes" "Not really though" "We sell the trip to places, we don't sell alcohol on our tours"

I asked them again: "Isn't your package price included alcohol cost?"

They answered: "" (they didn't answered)

Note1: The total is a big amount. The amount is not easy for me to sacrifice anytime. I need time to earn it. Otherwise I could sacrifice it without any question.

Note2: I follow Hanafi madhab.

Now my questions are:

1. Is it haram for me, what all I earned from that website work?

2. What should I do about the money I earned before I know about the alcohol involvement?

3. What should I do about the money I earned after I know about alcohol involvement?

Having unlawful relations with one's aunt, her daughter and her daughter in law


1. If someone had unlawful acts/relations more than one time/many times, with his married paternal aunt (father's sister) and then with the same paternal aunts' daughter in law (son's wife). Also with same paternal aunt's daughter. His actions were such that perhaps hurmat maybe established, meaning anything but not actual zina. He is a single adult and lives away from them. What is the status of the marriages of his marries parental aunt, the same aunt's daughter in law and the same aunt's daughter? He has asked someone, and being told all of them's marriages are still valid.

2. Also, how to repent in this case? Mufti Taqi Usmani says, you can seek forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala by making sincere repentance, then you should have hope and forget your past sins, trust Allah's mercy... Allah's mercy is so vast, he can and does forgive any sin, no matter what.


Q: Every time after passing urine, urine drops come out after 5 to 10 minutes. Before I used to use tissue before I perform wudhu. Due to long time use of tissue I got itching on my private part. Please tell me solution.