Issuing talaaq while under the influence of drugs

Q: My husband has been on drugs for 2 years. During this time I had left our marital home and returned four times. The fourth time which is currently I have been away for more than a year. He has been abusive towards me, physically, verbally and emotionally. I'm may 2013 I was granted a fasag by a certain sheik, but then I was told it was not valid. I returned home to my husband. Five months later I left again due to his drug use and abuse. Even during our separation he was abusive he came to my work and caused scenes and damaged work property. I then went to a moulana in grassy park and he went to my husband and he granted me a talaq my Iddah was to end on the 15 december 2015. During this time my husband denied the fact that he was on drugs. He started working again picked himself up and I believed he was clean. During this time I broke my Iddah. He was then abusive towards me and then I suspected he is still using drugs, still had no proof and was not sure because he looked decent was working and had a car. But because of the abusive behaviour I still refused to return to our home. I also refused to live with my in laws. We were looking for a place to stay on our own and this also made me believe his clean because if he is using drugs he would not be able to afford a place of our own, but as time passed he said he can't afford it any longer. He then gave my mother a written talaq to give to me as he was angry because I refused to return home. I did not take this serious as he was angry and I suspected he was using drugs. But thereafter again he said we will look for a place of our own. Again I was week and shared his bed with him. And upon waking up the next day I found the drugs in his pocket doing the washing. I left immediately. As I made it clear if there is drugs in his life my son and I will not be part of his life. Then the 2nd January 2016 he called me and gave me another talaq based on the fact that I don't want to return home. He also sent me text messages to back up what he said to me. He also sent me a text message to say he did it properly and I responded that I accept and that my Iddah will complete within three months and 10 days on the 12april. We agreed upon this. We had no contact thereafter. Only on 2 occasions. His family never believed me when I informed them he was using drugs so they thinking I just left because I did not want him. But since all of this his back at home living with his mother as he was living with a friend. and by the 27 of January 2016 he was admitted to rehab. I told his mother I'm under Iddah but she says it's null and void due to him not being sober. Please advise if any of these talaqs are valid. I am observing Iddah.  Please advise if they are valid based on the fact that he was angry and under the influence of drugs? Should I complete my Iddah? What should I do going forward. Allah knows best I need guidance.

Make du`aa for the hidaayat of all those who are alive

Q: I have decided to put on paper all duas I make to Allah to kindly ask you which of them I can replace with duas from Quran. Could you please let me know if there are duas in Quran that can be used for the situations described below? Please take as much time as needed to answer this question in shaa Allah. I am sorry it is a bit long and I can in shaa Allah wait. Which dua from Quran should I read for the guidance of my non-Muslim family, considering my father died and I hope he died as Muslim but only Allah knows? He was atheist, then got sick and I gave him Quran to read, nothing changed, but when he got worse and couldn’t speak anymore I told him to say shahada (inwardly) and after few days he died. I have mother, brother and sister. I also pray for hidayat for my brother’s wife and her shia family. Which duas from Quran to be read: for asking Allah to make a difficulty easy for me? to show Allah my thankfulness for hidayyat, everything He gives me and helps me and for His love, for everything and bless me with deeds He will accept? for asking Allah to stop the disease He sent upon me? to be forgiven for all my big sins, cure my soul, erase my past and make me happy with Him Alone worshipping Him in a right way? to show me the straight path in a time when there are so many deviations and to lead me on it with His Love and Care? to praise Him in a way He deserves and will be pleased with and will accept? to show me on the things He is not happy in me and to help to get rid of them? for asking Allah to stop the test He sent upon me? for asking Allah to cure me from waswasa and keep shaytans away from me? to ask Allah to worship Him in a way that He is pleased with me and how to pay back all my salah and Ramadan qadhas in a way that He is pleased with me (and to make it easy for me)? to ask Allah to make my ibadat easy, to make it happiness for me and to give me blessed life dedicated to Him which He will accept from me? for asking Allah to bless me to be rely only on Him, be in need only in Him, fear only Him, ask all only from Him and expect all only from Him and not to be in need in anything or anyone except Him, to make and wish only what He will be pleased with and do all for Him Alone, to be Happy with Him Alone and that he is sufficient to me and that He lets me die as a Muslim to be one of His favorite and close slaves, to get His special Love and contentment and blessings for rescuing me from the torment of death, grave and on the day of Judgment, as well as to be in a shadow on that day and to be close to Him in Jannah in a beautiful palace (dua of Asya) I pray for Muslim umma to have all I ask for myself or there is a better dua for the umma? I also pray for non-Muslims to have hidayyat and all I ask for myself, is this correct in shaa Allah?

Performing tawaafuz ziyaarah after the termination of haidh

Q: Is the following correct?

A woman came for Hajj and got her period after she entered ihaam. Her mahram had to leave straightaway and she has no one else in Makkah. What is the ruling?

She should travel with him and remain in ihraam, then she should come back when she has become pure. This applies if she lives in the land of the Two Holy Places, because it is easy to come back and does not involve a great deal of trouble or need a passport etc. But if she is a foreigner and it is difficult for her to come back, then she should tie a piece of cloth over her private part (so that no blood will leak and contaminate the Mosque), and do tawaaf and saa’i, and cut her hair, and end her ‘Umrah on the same journey, because in this case her tawaaf has become necessary, and in cases of necessity things that are ordinarily forbidden are allowed. But she does not have to do tawaaf al-wadaa’ (farewell tawaaf), because menstruating women do not have to do the farewell tawaaf, because of the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the people that the last thing they should do in Makkah was to circumambulate the Ka’bah, but he exempted menstruating women.


Q: The question is pertaining to my husband's family property dispute. The great grandfather died without any will. He had 2 sons and unmarried daughters who died unmarried. The property was never really distributed officially between the 2 brothers (Dada and Kaka Dada) as they lived together. Kaka Dada did not have any children and Dada had 7 sons and 1 daughter. Kaka Dada adopted one son of Dada. Dada passed away first without any will. After his death Kaka Dada and his adopted son allegedly distributed the property among Dada's sons, daughter and themselves as per their convenience. Kaka Dada gifted one property to his adopted son's minor children. The whole process of distributing the property was such that adopted son got much more share than others. As only Kaka Dada was alive and he along with adopted son sold off most of the properties and never gave account of the same. Even after Kaka Dada passed away, adopted son took control of the whole property and sold some property. The other brothers never really questioned him but my mother-in-law took objection. She had helped Dada retain some land from government but never got any help from his husband (my husband's father). The adopted son harassed my husband's family by any means and expelled them from the ancestral house. Thereafter my mother-in-law lodged a case against the adopted son for irregularities in property distribution. The other brothers and sister was won over by the adopted son and no one helped my mother-in-law. My father-in-law was also made to obey his brother and he would give testimony against his own wife. The case dragged on for more than 30 years and still look like will go on and on. Meanwhile both my in-laws died and my husband took over the case. They are 3 bothers and 3 sisters. Unfortunately they have disagreements so my husband asked them to give him power of attorney to act in their interest. This is because only my husband has money to fight the case. Some days back adopted son's son contacted my husband for out of court settlement. My husband is in favour of this but doesn't have support of all siblings. Since my husband is running out of money for court case he wants this to end and take whatever best they can from the opposite party. Now my question is how should the property distribution have been done when great grandfather and then Dada died? Was Kaka Dada right in gifting some property to adopted son's minor children as it was not his own property but rather ancestral whose distribution was never done officially. There is no account of the sold off property and the money that adopted son received. His son says that my father-in-law was given some money but there's no proof of that. I would request you to kindly explain how to go about this settlement.