Both families being happy with the nikaah

Q: I like one girl. I met her three months back. I did istikhara at the starting and now after three months my parents went to there place and after that they ask our well know mufti to tell us if it is good for us or not. We gave him the names of both families and he said its not good for you but I love her. Can I go against this decision or not? Please help me. We have to inform them tomorrow about our decision.

Irregular bleeding

Q: I have a question regarding haidh. I have always been regular with my period. Every month more or less at the same time I get it. However I went for an op and I am on medication. This has left me spotting continuously. How do I work out my haidh days. Do I work on 10 days haidh and 15 clean days in between?

Irregular bleeding

Q: A woman started her haiz on the 19/07 at 1:20pm and had a ghusl on the 26/07 at 4:00pm (normal habit is about 7 days). After that she experienced normal clear discharge on the days that followed. (She normally has a continuous clear discharge out of haiz). However, on the 28/07 at 1:30pm she noticed a small streak of blood in the clear discharge. Is this counted as part of her haiz and does she need to make another ghusal?

Helping a poor Muslim with interest money

Q: A Muslim brother is in very deep debt. He doesn't have medical aid and his wife, son and daughter were hospitalised on different occasions. Different years. Also, she bought stuff using the credit card or store cards when she was down. He had to take out loans from 3 different banks as his salary each month could not help with the payment. He has since sold his car, clothing and whatever he had after they divorced. He is battling with child maintenance and is under debt review. He is zakaatable and by the time he gets paid and does all his monthly payments, he is left with hardly any money for food and lights. Its the interest that is killing him. Yes, interest is haram, but he fell into this cycle not purposely. Can we give him our interest money to help pay off his debts?