Zakaat on land purchased with the intention of resale

Q: A person purchased land abroad with the intention to sell and make profit 8 years ago. The price of this land has risen, thought is stagnant at present. However due to a decline in foreign investors in the country the market for foreign companies purchasing land from individuals is at a standstill. Therefore being unable to sell this land for the foreseeable future would one be required to pay zakaat on this? If so, at what price? i.e market or purchase price?

Marital problems

Q: I have been married for nine years. My husband reverted to Islam before we married. He has been drinking and doing drugs since the day we got married. He keeps promising to stop but it never happens. He also keeps accusing me of having an affair (which is not true). The other problem that I have is that he wants to be intimate when under the influence. Most times a have to force myself because it makes me feel belittled and cheap. I have been to see our Imam and also had both my parents and his come and speak to him numerous times over the past 9 years but without any success. I have a 9 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. His behaviour has an impact on the kids as we always end up arguing and the kids are exposed to this. I try to the best of my ability to raise my children the Islamic way but he does not even want to go to mosque with my son or perform Salaah with us. The relationship is verbally and emotionally abusive. Is drug and alcohol abuse valid enough reason to apply for a fasakh? I have extremely unhappy.

Wet dream

Q: Please tell me if I have a dream which is lovable in nature not sexual. Also I don't have an orgasm but I feel wetness which is maybe sweat or some other reasons so is there ghusal on me? Actually I am not married so I don't know how mani looks and this wetness happens so many times.

Husband telling the wife "I'll divorce you"

Q: If my wife was saying to me she hates my attributes etc complaining about me over the phone and I assumed she was cheating on me and I reply "okay then I will divorce you " or something like "I'll divorce you " metaphorically with no intention of on the spot divorce more like a future reference in a mental state. This happened 4 years ago when she was pregnant and it was more like "okay if that is how you really feel about me then I will divorce you so tell me the truth" . I can't truly recall what I said and have thought long and hard but can you kindly tell me if it is counted as one talaaq. I truly believe it is not. I have tried long and hard to think back but can't recall what I exactly said. I was not angry nor were we arguing, it was a general conversation but I was intoxicated and going crazy like mental depression cause of the drugs. I was also under the Influence of drugs once again and the words divorce you divorce you came out with no apparent intention and as I was intoxicated, it came out with no such meaning. I tried to prevent this but it slipped out. I was really insane and did not know what I was saying. Are these counted as talaqs also? She also said once to me over the phone to say the word 'divorce' knowing that I would not because I love her. I did not respond to her talaaq but replied that I have already said the word long ago. I was confirming the 'divorce you' talaq which I have just mentioned but was definitely not initiating another one. Again I cannot recall my exact wordings but clearly remember my intention of confirming the talaaq which was said in the form of 'divorce you' 4 years ago.

Investing in Oasis

Q: I will be receiving a large sum of money from pension pay out from the government upon resignation . If I do not put this in another pension fund, will be taxed heavily by sars. Is Oasis a shariah complaint fund to put my money in the pension fund. Where else do you suggest we invest the Shariah way?