Working for banks

Q: Is Banking job in UK prohibited? Few relatives are saying I must quit bank job immediately as this is Haram. I have concern when Saudi Arabia is Shariah based country than why their banking system is interest based.

Is mazi napaak?

Q: I would like to know whether mazi is napaak or not and after the release of mazi is it compulsory for one to make ghusal or change his clothes or can he perform Salaah in that clothes?

Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you if I don't feel or remember any wet dream, not any orgasm but feel wetness upon waking up so ghusl is waajib upon me in these situations.

1) If wetness is sweating

2) If wetness is due to istinja during night

3) If wetness is regular vaginal discharge

4) If wetness is mazi

5) If wetness is mani

Improving one's recitation of the Qur'an

Q: I am slowly learning tajweed and when I read the Qur'aan, I feel that where I need to pull the word for a few seconds and I don't pull long enough, or pull too long then I feel that I have to reread the word, or if I don't recite a word properly with tajweed or if I feel that I didn't read a word with tajweed then I have to reread the word. Sometime I feel that it is Shaytaan that is trying to confuse me and frustrate me. So I wanted to know that if I don't pull a word for the correct time or if I don't read a word with the correct tajweed then is it necessary to reread the word?


Q: I want to know the share in an estate. Which is two houses two factories an one plot. My father in-law passed away nine years ago. He has three sons and four daughters. He was a retired teacher and also runs a business. His elder son doing work with him in that business and got monthly salary also. My father in-law starts another business for second son two times but unsuccessful. So they start third business on partnership of someone else  who is not a family member on fifty per share. My father in law also declared monthly salary for both his son and the other partner. My father in-law want to start one more business for his third son but he died before he did. All were living as a joint family and my father in law do all household and other dues himself. Now the matter is that the second son says the business he runs is his property only. No other one has a share in that business. After my father in law the elder son do all the expenses as his father had done. Now favour us how to share the state among seven children 3 brothers and 4 sisters.

Continuously trying to reform one's life

Q: Since Ramadaan I tried to bring a change to my lifestyle . I started my tahajjud and I'm trying to refrain from intermingling and to be more strict with my purda and form of niqaab. I would like to don the jilbaab but I am scared. Scared of spiralling down after been on this spiritual high. It has happened to me before that is why I am so afraid. Also my husband dosn't seem to be impressed and is of no support in any way whatsoever. We live in a house of Aalims all together. Unfortunately our parda is zilch. I don't know how to proceed. How do I hold fast onto haq and this feeling of only wanting to do that which is atqa. My desire has always been to memorise the quraan as well. Can mufti please advise me. I don't want to lose this feeling of closeness to Allah Ta'ala. I'm so scared that I'm going to get lazy and lethargic and will slowly retrogress whatsoever. What must I do. Am I doing too many things at once? I am an aalima. I just feel like Allah Ta'ala has lifted a blindfold from my eyes and I now see things very differently. I am ashamed the change is only coming now. All the years I have been so relaxed and negligent. Please advise me. I sometimes feel like I'm fighting a battle alone and everyone is just waiting for me to fall.

New Muslim publicly professing his Imaan


1. Is it necessary for a new Muslim to publicly profess their Imaan?

2. Under what circumstances will it be permissible to hide one's own Imaan?

3. If a person dies hiding their Imaan, how will the Muslim public ascertain that this person was a Muslim? For example, if a person continued to live with their non-Muslim partner; did not dress as a Muslim; did not make a request for a Muslim funeral and did not change their name, would this be sufficient evidence to not classify them as Muslim?

Questions relating to the graveyard


1. Can I recite darud sharif while walking through a non-muslim cemetery?

2. Can muslim sister allowed to visit there parents grave once a week, every week?

3. Are we allowed to grow small plants on our parents grave?

4. Are we allowed to put fresh flowers on our parents grave?

5. Are we allowed to clean and tidy someone grave next to our parents grave?

6. Are we allowed to play any surat on our phone at the grave of our parents?

7. Are we allowed to put extra soil on top of the grave, because original has sank down?

8. My parents grave soil is flat, but I see some grave soil is shape like dome are we allowed to do that?

9. I heard that on Thursday maghrib time the dead person's rooh comes home till Friday. Is this true?