Marital problems

Q: I am working in the government for some time but have started an Aalimah course part time. I am uncertain of resigning due to challenges at home as relationship between mum in-law not very good and work was my scapegoat. However if I am at home, we will clash even more. Is it okay form me to work part time as I foresee more problems at home and I also do not communicate well with husband as he narrates everything to his mum. Pls advise.

Making ta'leem at home

Q: When I try to give dawah to my parents my parents bash me with yelling and other things by saying that Oh so now you're so old to tell us what is right. So what should I do? I don't want to argue with them. So should I stop giving them Dawah?

Changing one's age

Q: In Pakistan it is possible by unfair means to reduce your age on a official level. So 5 years ago when I was I a child 12 or 13 years old I don't have much knowledge about Deen, what's right, what's wrong. I wasn't aware of the result of the act my father did. Five years ago my father reduced my age just by one year. So now I'm 18 but according to legal papers I'm 17. And because of that act I have to lie every where I go. I can't reverse the act because if I go and increase my age then all my educational degrees would become false and fraud. So I feel very guilty about the act my father did to me. I have to lie everywhere and I am facing a lot of problems because of that act. My questions are:

1. Is my father responsible for every sin I earn because of telling lie about my age?

2. What should I do? lie my whole life?

3. I've forgiven my father but I can't forget what he's done to me. So tell me a way to forget.

Muslims participating in memorial services

Q: In order to appease the kuffar, Muslims are today participating in memorial services, joint prayers with non-Muslims, vigils etc to remember the those (predominantly non-Muslim) that died in unjustified terrorist attacks. I am not a scholar but I even see scholars condoning participation in such events by participating themselves. Am I correct in understanding that participating in such prayers, vigils and services is haraam because we are not permitted to pray for a dead kafir and also imitation of kuffar methodology in expression of grief is not permissible. I also find it discomforting that at these events there is free mixing and acknowledgement by virtue of participation that all religions are equal. Would you please provide proof in light of Qur'an and Hadith whether participation in joint vigils, memorial services and prayers is permissible as family and friends do not just accept a simple answer of no without evidence of why?

Husband saying I will divorce you

Q: I recall my husband once saying that he will divorce me or he is going to divorce me. I don't think he meant it there in a instant but as thinking about it and said in anger. I think I forced him to say it and he was intoxicated. Is this counted? I asked him and he said he had no intention and meant maybe in the future but he couldn't recall how he said it but remembers his intention. He also once said divorce on its own a few times but not to me .. just screamed it randomly. Is this counted?

Talaaq is not subject to the wife's consent

Q: My husband divorced me through signing onto the divorce papers which is a predesigned template of country law in which it is written that ‘I give my wife three written divorces’ which is then followed by such statements: I__________ divorce my wife________________ I _____ divorce my wife__________ I __________ divorce my wife________ However, the paper that he signed was of mutual understanding divorce but the divorce was not given by my consensus, therefore keeping this in mind when we got the copy of papers we got that changed and the new papers were prepared where there is no statement as ‘ I give three written divorce to my wife’. Moreover, he also said that I have given one divorce to my wife, which is true. Since he stopped talking to me before divorce (despite of my struggles to contacting him, as my rukhsati didn’t take place so we were not living together nor we consummated our marriage), there was no assurance if he had signed the papers or his mother has done it since she was against our marriage the most even though it was an arranged marriage, so my family forced him to call me and say on call and he uttered ‘you are free from my side’ and ‘ you are divorced as papers are being signed’. I want to reconcile with this relation tell me how can I do that, my husband and I had no contact since divorce and he has blocked me from everywhere also I don’t have courage to approach to him myself. Please tell me what are the rulings of Islam in this case how many divorces has taken place three or one since marriage has not been consummated. Even if three divorces has taken place what will be ruling of halala,which I know is haram.

Wet dreams

Q: I have a problem with wet dreams and I am a female. I don't think I've ever actually experienced one because I am a virgin and don't exactly know what an orgasm is or feels like. I usually suffer from discharge on a daily basis, so when I think I have a dream I base it on whether I have excessive discharge. I've been dreaming of just words or small actions and not the actual thing, but once I did dream of the actual thing and woke up dry with no feeling of an orgasm (I googled it and found out you feel exhausted after but I don't. My heart only beats fast out of nervousness of the nature of my dream). I made ghusl just in case, but was ghusl waajib on me? And then recently I've dreamt of a boy and girl having physical contact (touching, kissing) but no actual sexual contact had taken place, but I had a throbbing sensation in my private area. I had these dreams during haidh so hard to tell if I discharged a lot or not. Will ghusal be compulsory on me. Please advise me on what I can do or read to prevent these dreams?