Discharge coming out due to sexual thoughts


1. I was sitting and some sexual dirty thoughts came and I didn't know if discharge had came or not but like after one hour when I went to the washroom and I washed, I noticed a bit more discharge then usual. Am I napaak now?

2. When I was washing I got this weird feeling in my private area and my heartbeat didn't go faster or anything but when I finished there was a little bit of discharge. Would that make me napaak?

Playing video games

Q: I have a question concerning video games. There is this certain video game in whilst playing the game (when attacking the enemy) the screen shows it from an aerial view so you cannot the any eyes or anything so it is not an animate object whereas to choose your character there are animate objects. I really want to play the game. Is it permissible to play this game?

Suspended talaaq

Q: My husband has said many times "I won't do this or that, if do it then you are divorced - talaq". He has said it many times and still he did what he said he won't do without thinking. Now, he has said that more then 5 times and did everything that he had swore on. Has the talaaq taken place? How can I
still stay with him if talaaq has taken place.