Internet service provider

Q: My brother would like to start a business as an ISP (internet service provider). He will basically be providing internet to the users in his local area. A few people told us that it is haraam because some customers may use the internet for haraam e.g. porn sites. Is it permissible for him to start this business?

Trying to convince a non-Muslim to accept Islam in order to marry her

Q: I want to marry a non-Muslim but I have been trying to convince her to believe in God. She says she will believe in him a bit, also she wears clothing that are not acceptable in Islam, furthermore she does horse riding which women are not allowed to do in Islam. I love her very much but I don't want to marry someone who is not meeting the requirements, because I want my children to be Muslim. I am stuck and don't know what to do. Could you please tell me what the are all the requirements for marrying a non-Muslim and help me solve this problem.


Q: I have asked you my question few days ago. I also want to say that I had a beige colour discharge? As I saw that before passing urine which I hadn't passed for a long time and a darker colour discharge once during the day. I usually use khursuf so that how I saw it and I am a doubtful person so I am a bit confused as to how should I count? this is the 18th day of my cycle.

Black magic

Q: I have cousin living aboard, her family has suffered from black magic quite along time ago. However, they found some blood drops on the floor of their house which is quite strange. I would like to know if there is any meaning behind those blood drops. Please do explain that to me.

Medical problem

Q: I am now a 21 year old boy. I have undescended testicles problem. I don't know from when it occurred from birth or after birth and I want that undescended testicles gets normal by dua.