Reciting tasbeehaat lying down

Q: My question has two parts. I say a few tasbeeh at night after esha but when I am late I take the tasbeeh to bed and do it while lying down. Is it okay? Second part of the question is during the day when I leave for office I say subhanallah or alhandullilah or etc but at time on the way I break wudhu, so is it okay to continue?

Protection from diseases

Q: I am very worried about my family. Always diseases to all at my home. My mother suffered with cancer. My father got heart attack. After doing bypass surgery he died. I am a 22 year old girl (unmarried). I have piles problem and vaginal internal problem from 6 years. Why is it happening to us?

Dreaming of Hazrat Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: I was going through a website of which the link is provided below -

Maulana Zakariyah mentions in Fazaail-e- Aamaal that “Shaytaan does not have the power to declare himself a Prophet in a dream.”“It is impossible that that the person dreaming may misunderstand Shaytaan as the Holy Prophet.” “If the person does not see the Prophet in a good feature, then that is the fault of the dreamer.” “If the person sees the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) doing an unlawful act, then the dream need interpretation in light of Islamic law even though (the person who dreamt) may be a pious saint.” I have read that it is mentioned in Fazaail Amal that a man had a dream in which Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) (allegedly) asked him to ‘Drink Liquor’. My question is should we not reject the dreams which does not fit the description of the Prophet and is against shariah?

Going late to the Musjid for zuhr Salaah

Q: I am at home and the zuhr prayer jamat will soon start in the masjid and I have only a few minutes to perform my 4 sunnats. If I perform the sunnats before I leave for the masjid, I will miss the beginning of the jamat (I will catch the last 1-2 rakats). Should I do this, or should I instead leave early to the masjid and pray the 4 sunnats after the fard, thus catching the jamaat from its beginning?

How will a person suffering from anal fissure perform Salaah?

Q: I am a mazoor suffering from urine incontinence. I keep tissue paper all the time in my underwear. Now I am suffering from anal fissure. Because of it, some pus comes out from the anal passage every time, so I am unable to keep wudhu and maintain my purity? I am already keeping tissue for incontinence of urine. I am really worried and leaving prayers. Please make an easy way for me.