Wet dream

Q: I want to ask you if I have a dream in which I feel love for a guy or my fiance so this is a wet dream and I will have to do ghusl for this if I feel little wetness? Maybe this wetness is due to sweating or istinja.

Inheriting from a non-Muslim

Q: My question is about inheritance. This is the case: Christian Sitti (grandmother) which made her best to raise muslim kids passed away on November 2015. Her muslim husband passed away long time ago. 4 kids: 2 male + 2 women 1 of the women is a widow and has 5 kids: their economical situation is unstable (all of them) Their kids: 3 male 2 women, from them 1 boy still single and 1 girl still single. All Muslim. The grandmother passed away leaving behind her lots of wealth and properties. She used to always say that she would leave her wealth to 4 of her granddaughters which used to live with her (daughters of her male son) Now that she passed away. They decided to distribute her wealth in the islamic way: 2, 2, 1, 1 Although most of her wealth is invested in properties, in which any of her daughters are included. The situation now is the following. One of the brothers is in charge of the distribution of his mothers wealth, while the daughters say that their mom would always say that they would be the ones in charge. I forgot to mention that all of them are multi millionaires, expect the widow daughter which has 5 kids and no one of them has wealth. He decided to give from the wealth 1 property for the youngest not married daughter in the widow, and 1 property for the widow, out from all the wealth that their mother left behind, leaving almost the rest of the wealth for the 4 granddaughters that used to live with her( daughters of her son). What is from the Islamic point of view the right thing to do please? I am the wife of the oldest son of the widow daughter, which at the same moment is the grandmothers first grandson. We moved in to Palestine to give our family a good Islamic education, please I would like to know if it is permissible for my husband to tell his mother (the widow daughter since she was 36 yeards old) to tell her mother not to accept this way of dividing the inheritance because they are willing to give her something symbolic which does not protect her neither her offsprings while accepting to give her mothers wealth and properties to the 4 granddaughters which none of them are married yet. The widow daughter which is the mother of my husband is willing to be unfair between her kids just to avoid fighting with her wealthy brother. By the way in her condition of widow with 5 kids she didn't have economical support from her wealthy family.


Q: The en-dowers of a waqf property in situated in South Africa are all deceased. Their original intention was that the rental proceeds from the waqf property should be given to a specific madrassa in India. The current trustees have no contact with the responsible individuals in India and as a result the funds are collecting in a bank account in South Africa. A local SA musjid trust has approached these trustees to purchase that waqf property for the purposes of establishing a much needed madarassa.

1)Can the trustees sell this property to the local musjid trust.

2)Can they grant the local musjid trust the use of the property at no charge.

Marble area outside the Haram Shareef


1-Is the marble area outside the Masjid of Haram Sharif included in the Masjid?

2-Is it permissible for a female who is in her mensuration period, to go on the marble area outside the Masjid of Haram Sharif?

3- A female who is in her mensuration period,how does she go to do Saee without entering the Masjid of Haram Sharif? Where does she go from?

Performing Salaah outside the Haram

Q: In the Haram Sharif the gates of the masjid are closed early. Many people pray on the marble or in the street. At times there is a large space in between the saffs. Will the salah be valid if there is a large space in between the saffs on the marble or praying in the street? By praying on the marble outside the Haram sharif masjid or in the street, will a person get the 100 thousand reward because the gates of the masjid are closed early?


Q: I am a medical student, and as with many of us, dissection is an area that seems to be unclear. You have clearly stated that dissection should be avoided. Other research on the Internet (which is not always a reliable source) has shown that many fataawa have been passed in favour of dissection, with no clear proofs presented. My heart does not feel peace in this. Please can I have some direction, with clear reference/proofs to/from Quran
and Sunnah, on how I should reconcile my position. I wish to be a doctor some day InshaAllah, but I do not wish to earn Allah's displeasure.

Making bina in Salaah

Q: My question is regarding a woman doing bina if she involuntarily breaks her wudhu in Salaah. One of the conditions of bina is that the satr should not become uncovered for bina to be correct. But if the woman goes to redo her wudhu she will uncover her arms and head and ankles etc to do wudhu, so would this still mean the bina is valid?

Wearing nike clothing

Q: Is it permissible to buy and wear Nike products? I know that Nike once put the name of Allah on a shoe, but it was unintentional and they apologized. Also, although Nike represents a Greek god, people don’t believe in the god and only buy the shoe for the style. Bearing this in mind, what is the ruling on Nike products?