Homosexual feelings

Q: I am a Hanafi Muslim. I experience homosexual feelings. I don't know how to cope up. I do pray to Allah Ta'ala. I offer Salah too. But please guide me. I can't afford to annoy Allah Ta'ala more.

Which value will be considered for gold and silver jewellery?

Q: The general "market" for an ordinary person wishing to sell his jewellery in our times would be to a jeweler or a gold purchaser. The value thus given by them constitutes the market value. The established practice of both these dealers in evaluating an item to be purchased by them is to consider the gold content present in the jewellery only. They ignore any value that may exist due to the workmanship present in that gold or silver jewellery.

Question: Will this value given by the jeweller or gold purchaser (which is based on gold content only) be the market value considered for zakaat purposes?

Saying "When I get married to my second wife, she is divorced thrice"

Q: I was going through an emotional state and I mentioned when I get married to my second wife, she is divorced thrice. As I divorced my first wife, I keep on getting these waswasah about divorce all the time. Example if I got a certain girl in my mind should I marry her or not, then I get so much off waswasah in my mind that is she the right one for me I don't want to make the same mistake twice it is as if I am scared to get married again and I'm divorcing girls that come to mind so I don't get married to them because I'm scared I'm really suffering with these waswasahs for months now it really weakening me mentally. Will all these divorces go through? If yes, what will I have to do if I I want to make a second nikaah because I'm desirous of getting married. What will be the way out? I feel I am blocked from all sides to progress in anything even I want to do something I feel so hard to do it as if something is pushing me down each time. I want to stand up. Please help me.

Cellphone under warranty being damaged through one's own doing

Q: About 2 years ago a purchased a cellphone from a store that offers an extra warranty which I had taken out that says they will provide you with a new phone if something happens. The warranty covers accidental water damage and screen cracks etc. There is some terms and conditions that basically say that if it was intentional/deliberate then that would not be covered. One day whilst using the phone I thought some dirt/napaak might have gotten onto the phone, so i took some water in my hands and put it over the phone. Regrettably the phone had gotten water damaged and I had taken it in to the store to get it fixed/exchanged. When I took it in to the store, they did not ask how or when it happen but rather took my personal details and a week later gave me a replacement phone. Of course, my main intention was to just clean the phone, but unfortunately it had gotten damaged.

1. Is the replacement phone they gave me ok for me to use? I ask since the phone had broken through my own wrong doing even though not deliberate and they did not ask anything about it

2. Did any of the work i did for work purposes on the phone become wrong for me to do?

3. Coincidentally after a couple of months the replacement phone they had given me fell in the rain and yet again I went to them. This time they asked how it happened etc and I explained to them it fell in the rain and they gave me another replacement phone again. Is this phone also OK for me to use since the first one (not original, first replacement) had to be given in?

4. Can I sell this second replacement phone and use the money from it?

Giving the wife mahr

Q: When my father proposed to my mother, he dedicated Surah Al-Imran, which he memorized off heart, as her “Mahr” (dowry). And when my husband proposed to me, my father told him that he would have to memorize a Surah of the Quran as my mahr. The wedding will not go on unless I’ve received my mahr I was asked to pick one of the surahs. I chose Surah Al-Noor. For all the laws that Surah contained within it and for the fact that it seemed hard to memorize on my behalf. And before our wedding day; aside of being busy preparing for our “Newly wedded Nest”, the Quran wouldn’t leave my husband’s hand an entire month as he was memorizing the Surah. A few day before our wedding day, my husband came to recite to my father the Surah which he had completed. My father told him every time you make a mistake, you would have to start from the beginning all over again. My husband began reciting Surah Al-Noor with his calm/gentle voice in such a “beautiful” scene which I will never forget. My mother and I would look at one another and would smile awaiting my husband to make a mistake so he would have to start all over again and by that increase my “Reward”. But my husband – May Allah bless him – had memorized the Surah off heart and didn’t even forget one single verse of it. Once he finished my father hugged him and said to him: “Today I shall marry my daughter to you, for you have fulfilled her mahr and your pledge to me..” He didn’t pay me a financial mahr, and we didn’t buy gold worth tens of thousands. He sufficed me with Allah’s words as an oath/contract between us.

Regarding the story above, is this type of mahr accepted in Islam?