Making qadha due to eating sehri after fajr time sets in

Q: On the first day of Ramadhaan I did not know about the 18 degrees fajr time so I ate suhoor after fajr entered according to 18 degrees fajr time. After the first day I found out about the 18 degrees fajr time and how its more accurate than 15 degrees so I started following that after the first day. Regarding that first day, since I did not know about the 18 degrees fajr time, do I have to make it up? And do I have to make it up immediately after Ramadhaan or any time up until the next Ramadhaan?


Q: Are Muslim women allowed to have male names like Khan, Ali, Hussain, Mohammed, and Hassan. Some Muslim Imams say that females are not allowed to have male names.


Q: As per law of Shariah, divorce happened between me and my husband as he said talaaq thrice. Now he wants me back. What is the proper way of halaala?

Hadith question

Q: I ask if the 'Ulama could kindly provide a reference for the following: "There was a Sahaabi (radhiyallahu ‘anh) who had some cracks on his feet and as a form of treatment in that time he applied saffron to the cracks. When Nabi (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) saw this he refused to greet this Sahaabi (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) until he washed it."

Stray thoughts

Q: Please advise me. I always think that I am a faasiq and my family and other people around (we are in Nigeria) if I see how other Muslims live in other countries which is not possible here. I have once attempted suicide and I am still thinking of it although I am afraid of it, please help me.