
Q: My question is about Durood-e-ebraheem. The Quran states in Surah Ahzab (33) Verse 56 صلّوا عليه وسلِّموا, but Durood-e-ebraheem only contains the صلّوا part and not the سلِّموا part. Instead it says اللهم بارك. Can you shed some light on this matter?

Opinions and comments of people

Q: I pray 5 times a day. I Believe in Allah and everything he has provided me is the best. I try my best to follow the guidance given by the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). But the problem is that people, they degrade me, others try to outsmart me in the office, they sometimes bully me. Maybe that is why I haven’t achieved much in my profession. Maybe I’m not that smart but still, but lately it is been distracting me a lot from everything. I started to question my faith. Did I do something that Allah is punishing me? I’m so confused that I don’t know what to do. I tell myself everyday that this will end too. But now I’m not strong enough and maybe I don’t have what it takes to be like other people. I know that you received these kinds of mails every other day. I’m worried about, that how will it change me or take me far away from my Islam. Or maybe I have to spend my whole life like this. I know life is a test and Allah Ta'ala tests those who he wants to bring close to him. But I can’t take handle it anymore. Every second cannot be a test or I have so many sins that I have to live like this.

Stray thoughts

Q: I'm trying to reform and i'm sinning to the point where I get out of the fold of Islam due to the whispers of Shaitaan and his mind warping ability. When I redo the Shahada, I start seeing things within my mind and start focusing on them due my psychosis and Shaitaan. Does my Shahada still become come valid. It's very difficult to have the meaning in my mind properly while I read it. What should I do?

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After touching my wife's private part I touched my phone and headphones. I wiped my phone later but not the headphones. I have used the headphones a lot of times and also touched places. Has the whole house become impure. I have touched the headphones with dry hands mostly.

Paying interest due to late payment

Q: My question is regarding my university tution. I have paid the first semester fee which was 4000 euros, and events occurred just before the second semester began which led me to consider my place at the university institute I was in. I therefore spent the first few weeks of the second semester pondering over what to do next, before eventually deciding on staying. During that time, the deadline for second semester payments had passed and the university began charging late fees, and I was aware that this would be the case before the deadline; however I wasn't aware until after the deadline had passed that the charging of late fees was equivalent of riba. I will try and speak with someone at the university to Insha Allah reduce the fees to a normal price, but if  after speaking with an individual at the university and being refused my request, I paid the late fee, would I be sinful for doing so?

Repenting from listening to peoples conversations

Q: I have done some sins that are in regard to the creation, mostly listening to peoples conversations while having bad thoughts by accident. There is no way that I can find all these people because of the way it happened. Will I be getting cursed while reading the Quran even after making tawbah as of now? (I have intention to do something about finding these people) Can you also tell me the best course of action when people start talking around you?

Ma'zoor due to urine drops

Q: I have asked many times these questions regarding a mazoor with incontinence of urine, but my problems are getting worse. It is very difficult for me to wash my private part and clothes for every Salaah. I don't want to leave my prayer. Can I only make wudhu and pray namaz and Qur'an, because it is very hard to wash the private part and clothes for every Salaah for a mazoor like me? Please guide me according to Hadith.

Impurity coming on a blanket

Q: I saw a spot of blood on the blanket. I was on my monthly cycle but there was already blood spot on another place which was not impure blood. But I noticed another spot and I'm not sure whether it's impure or not though the bedding etc is not stained. If I give the blanket for washing in laundry as the blanket is big and difficult to wash will it suffice and be pure?