Questions relating to graves

Q: Please explain the following:

1. Is a grave sacred land?

2. Is it best for it to be flat with no heap of sand rising?

3. Should a grave be unmarked with no plank or name-plate or is it better to have it to help identify where a person is buried?

4. Can flowers etc be planted on a grave?

5. Is there reward in spending money on maintaining a cemetery including removing weeds from the graves?

Premarital relationships

Q: I am 28 years old. I am divorced. My blood relative is 25 years old. We are in love and want to get married. My parents agree and have no issue but his parents do not get agree as they say that the girl is divorced and elder otherwise they have no other issue. We really want to get married and unable to accept anyone else in this relationship. We both are mature and independent. Please tell me that what should we do. We are completely aware of the responsibilities of this marriage. Please help me in this matter.

Going to the gym

Q: I am currently very over weight and I really want to get fit. I used to go jogging before but could not keep up and eventually dropped. I didn't have the will power. Now I am really interested in joining a gym, which is open for 24 hours. Is it permissible to join this gym and attend it at the times when it is very quite?

Marital problems

Q: I have been married to a girl from Pakistan for five weeks. I was very happy until I found out that she does kala ilm. She has been caught red handed. I warned her not to do it again yet she is still doing it to make me under her control and leave my parents. Do I divorce her or accept she will continue this kaafir acts. Please help. I am suffering from depression since I found out.

Ajwa dates

Q: Regarding these two hadiths:

1. “He who has a morning meal of seven ‘ajwa dates will not suffer harm that day through toxins or magic.” (Bukhari, Hadith 5327 and Muslim, Hadith 3814)

2. ‘Aisha reported Allah’s Messenger as saying, “The ‘ajwah dates of al-‘Aliya contain healing, and they are an antidote (when taken as) first thing in the morning.” (Muslim, Hadith 3815)

You said that it has to be taken first thing on an empty stomach in the morning, when does morning end Islamically? My question is if I had a late night dinner near fajr time a few hour before fajr time, if my stomach is still full at fajr time then is it still okay to eat the dates provided thats the first thing eaten during fajr time? Also the hadith from Bukhari says in general that the ajwa dates should be eaten at morning time, it doesn't specify it to be taken as the first thing, so does it have to be the first thing taken or as long as it's taken (before or after eating in the morning) it's okay?


Q: I want to know, we have a da'wah group in our local Masjid, and our source of income or funding is sometimes mainly from Islamic Video CD Lectures that we sell purposely for da'wah and not for self purpose or interest, however all of these video lectures include international scholars in Deen and almost all of them do their lectures and recordings to be distributed for free, not doing it as a business. My question is, do we have to seek their consent before selling their recordings for da'wah purpose?