Delaying marriage

Q: I am engaged to my cousin from last 2 years, we have 10 years of difference in our age. We are dying to get married with each other but our parents specially my fiance's parents are not willing to marry her daughter till 8 to 10 months more. My parents are ready but the girl's parents are saying that we are not in a position to arrange money for marriage. My age is 31 now and I am losing control on my patience. I am afraid of going on wrong path if I dont get married till next 3 months. Please tell me weather girl's parents are doing correct thing by holding our marriage?

المؤذن يشتغل بقراءة سورة يس جهراً قبل صلاة الجمعة

س: هنا في المسجد عندنا يوجد العادة، بأن المؤذن يشتغل بقراءة سورة يس جهراً بصوت مرتفع، في يوم الجمعة قبل صلاة الجمعة. هل يجوز لي أن أشتغل بالذكر منفرداً في تلك الوقت، بغير استماع قراءته القرآن، و أنا في المسجد؟

Deceiving in order to receive more money from a government fund

Q: I live in Holland. A friend of us is cheating the social security with his mariagal status. The point is that a married couple will get about 1200 euros from the social security, but this friend did divorce on paper so that his wife could get a seperate social security of about 1000 and he himself about 900 euros. We have advised him several times that he should stop with this and change the situation how it should be i.e. registered as married and thus in case of need only 1 social security income. The person has also 2 children from his brother in Ghana on his name and thus was also getting money for them from the law. My question is, is it aloud to report him due the cheatings he is doing, so that they will stop him. He will have to pay back the money he received unjustly.

Taking out a mobile contract

Q: There is a mobile company that has a promotion to purchase a phone in an 18 month scheme. Every month, we have to pay only 200 AED. 18x200=3600. The original price of the phone is 2700. The difference is 900. If I buy the phone at 2700 AED, then there is no calling or internet data packages. If I buy the phone on the contract, then I will get 1GB internet package, 200 local call minutes and 50 international call minutes. Is it permissible for me to buy the phone on contract?