Presents on Nicolas day

Q: I had today head ache what made me difficult to concentrate. I opened up the door to a sister who holds a present for my children. Because of my condition I did not realize what I did or was not able to correct situation. She is a Muslim sister and clearly said that this present is because of Nicolas. (In Germany we have Nicolas day in our schools. Children receive gifts from their teachers.) She is a neighbour and new interested in Islam and I work on her. I did not want to say it directly but later on explained that she should give such presents for the sake of Allah Ta´ala and earn thawab and send thawab to her dead father. But expressed my happiness about the present for my children because I know that she likes me and want to stay in contact with me. I told her that also there is no need for present if I read Yasin Shareef for her father and I cannot accept gifts. I am very sad that I did not react on the door before taking the gift. Please explain me if there was something wrong according deen. What would be wisdom? I know it is kufr to give gifts on a eid day of other religions but what is if accept them what I did but with the intention to bring to her attention.

Sterilizing or neuter pets

Q: A website visitor wants to know whether sterilizing or neuter pets (especially dogs & cats) is permissible. Also the permissibility of electronic chip implant for registration purposes.

In addition to the questions earlier, the person also wants to know if is permissible for her to euthanise a sick cat because of illness or unable to afford the vet's bill.

Some questions relating to Halaal & Haraam


  1. Do you agree that all food in makkah and medina are halaal ?
  2. A muslim owned restaurant where one is not sure if the food is halaal but cannot take a qasam. can it be considered to be halaal?
  3. Can one use the environment of a restaurant to judge if it is halaal. eg islamic frames ?
  4. In other countries can one eat fish and chips, fruits and veg without question from any where ?
  5. If you said no for number 3, in other countries can this method be used ?

Saying "Happy Festive Season"

Q: Is one permitted to wish customers well on their respective holy days by saying "Happy Festive Season" instead of "Happy Christmas/Diwali"?

Similarly, can one have specials/decorations etc. in one's business which say "Festive Season" specials, rather than a religious promotion saying "Christmas specials or Diwali specials"?