Qunoot-e-Naazilah in Fajr Salaah

Q: I follow Hanafi madhab. Since a few days, our Imam is praying dua in fardh of fajr salaah. On the very first occasion he did this dua in the fardh of fajr in the second rakah before going to ruku and from the next day he started doing it after getting up from ruku.

Now with the differnce in these 2 days, is our fardh salaah valid on both occassions? I know about the special prayers to make when in distress if the Islamic world is facing problems but is it allowed in the Hanafi madhab?

Husband preventing wife from talking to her siblings

Q: I'm engaged and soon going to get married to the man I'm engaged with. He does not like my siblings because they have caused me harm in the past and are causing me harm in the present too. If I don't talk to my siblings at all for the sake of my husband, will that be counted as qat-e-ta'alluq? Kindly guide me as I'm in a very serious situation where I have to choose.

Woman wearing a saree


1. Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to wear a saree in a Muslim country provided that she covers all the parts of her body properly.

2. If her husband wants her to wear a saree and he gets upset if she doesn't do so, will it be permisssible for her to wear it?

3. What is the shar'ee ruling regarding wearing a saree which completely covers each part of the body?

Third party insurance

Q: A person wishes to take out third-party insurance. He claims that this form of insurance is permissible because the insurance company will not pay him anything in the event of an accident but will rather pay out the third party. Is third party insurance permissible?

Family Trusts

Q: I wish to form a family trust. What are the important aspects that I should keep in mind when forming the trust?

Similarly, can you explain to me the shar’ee ruling in regard to forming a family trust and who will be regarded as the owners of the wealth included in the trust?