Flying kites

Q: Is flying kites makrooh-e-tahreemi? If yes, what should I do with the kite? Can it be sold, purchased, hired, or given to anyone for free.

If an item is makrooh-e-tahreemi or haraam, does it have to be destroyed or can it be sold or purchased or can I keep it or hire it or give it to anyone for free or does it have to be destroyed?

Keeping birds as pets

Q: Is it makrooh-e-tahreemi to keep pet birds? If yes, then what should one do? Can the pet birds be sold, purchased, hired, given to anyone for free? What should I do, can I kill it or do I have to let it go free.

Giving zakaat to people who are in debt

Q: My sister and her husband have fallen on hard times. They had a thriving business but are now in debt for millions. Her husband is extremely unwell and requires constant care and assistance doing basic things e.g. taking a shower, dressing, etc.

Living with them is their son and his wife and 2 minor children. The daughter in law works as a rent collector and gets a meager income. The son is able, but does not work.

They have 2 vehicles. The one is free, the sons is not as yet paid for, so every month he borrows money from a variety of people in order to pay this vehicle off. They have dstv and WiFi.

I feel as if they expect to maintain their previous lifestyle without cutting down on unnecessary things.

1. If I am giving zakaat to them, is my zakaat properly discharged?

2. Is there any organization that can advise/help them with proper money management/out of this situation?

Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) drinking from the same side of the utensil as Hazrat Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha)

Q: 1. The Imaam gave a bayaan on how to increase the love in the home... He said that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to drink from one side of the cup and Hazrat Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) drank from the same side... I corrected him privately by saying to him the hadith records it the other way around... Hazrat Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) sipped first and Nabi (sallallahu alahih wasallam) drank from the side where she had sipped from... He argues that sometimes Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) drank first and ate first. Is the argument valid where I say the hadith as it should not be miss quoted or am I being technical?

2. The Imaam also gave additional advice saying that by making salaam when coming in the home would make you clear of debts. Is this amal heard of?

Requirements of a valid nikaah


1. What are the requirements of a valid marriage in Islam? Is the consent of parents mandatory?

2. If a girl and boy (both adults), in the presence of two adult male witnesses and without the consent of their parents, performed Ijaab and Qabool (without any duress and with free will), is this nikah valid?

3. If the answer to question 2 is 'yes' and if the parents of both the girl and the boy agree for their marriage in future without being aware that the girl and boy have already entered into nikah, (and the girl and boy do not want to reveal this fact to their parents), can they enter into nikah again when the marriage takes place for the purposes of registration in union council?

Friend financially assisting one to purchase a house

Q: I had rented a house and thereafter negotiated with the landlord to purchase the house. As I did not have the funds to purchase the house, my friend offered to assist by loaning me the full purchase price payable to him as arranged. He forwarded the monies to the seller and the legal transfer process from the seller to me commenced. Soon thereafter my friend went through some financial problems and his family members demanded that I repay the loaned amount to him (my friend) within 24 hours. I was very troubled as I could not arrange such a large sum within such a short time and whilst I was at work another friend happened to pass by. We greeted one another and he noticed the troubled look on my face. Upon his insistence I explained to him the situation and he there and then phoned his bank and asked them to transfer the money to my first friend's account. I was surprised and asked him about the repayment and he said that the house is yours and we will talk about the repayment. Upon my insistence he suggested that I pay 4000 rental monthly for now and then we will discuss the repayment.

NB. Since the house was in the process of getting transferred to my name from the seller, he (second friend) asked the conveyancer to continue with the transfer into my name and when I queried with him, he did mention that the house is yours and it is for you. I continued paying the monthly stipulated rental until one day he passed away.

Upon his death I told my wife to ask my friends widow about the house and she said that she is aware of the situation. She sent her brother to my house who then said that they prefer keeping the house as an investment for the children and they do not want to sell. I did not pursue the matter further until I recently mentioned it to an aalim who felt that it could probably be that I am paying interest and the widow is receiving interest as the amount given to me by the second friend was a loan and not a purchase price of the house.

Can you please advise as to what the status of the above transaction is and who is the owner of the house and what is the status of the monies forwarded to me by my second friend as I would not like be involved in interest in anyway.