Disposing of interest money

Q: How should interest money be disposed of?

1. Is tamleek (passing of ownership) necessary i.e. does it have to be given to an individual person or can it be given to madaaris or for digging of wells, etc.?

2. Can it be given to non Muslims?

3. How poor must a person be to give him interest money?

4. Can interest money be used to pay tax, fines, bank charges, etc.?

5. If a person has bank accounts at multiple banks, does he have to withdraw the interest from each bank separately or can he just give the amount in sadaqah from his cash on hand?

6. If a person is in debt, can he be given interest to help him settle his debts?

7. Is interest money regarded as dirty wealth for the recipient?

Choosing a spouse who is not committed to Deen

Q: There is a girl whom I like very much and when my family met her family, my parents didn't like her family much because they don't follow parda. My parents said they don't like the girl but if I am persistent with the girl they don't have any problem. The girl is pious and committed to deen except that she doesn't wear burqa and wears all modern dresses like t-shirts and jeans. I tried explaining to her about the importance of hijab but she used to get irritated listening to it. I feel I will be able to convince her for hijab and parda in a long-term i.e. if we get married. So my questions are first, should I marry her or not? Second, if I marry her am I disobeying my parents?

Informing the wife of one's return

Q: Is it obligatory for the husband to inform his wife before he returns home or can he return unexpectedly, without informing her? Will there be a difference in the ruling in the case where the husband was gone for just a few hours, and the case where he was gone for a prolonged period? Also, is there any Hadith in this regard?

Gender Equality

Q: Muslim women are told that they should not leave their homes in order to work and that they are not allowed to interact freely with the opposite gender. Likewise, they are told that they should be obedient to their husbands. Does Islam not afford men and women equal rights, or are men superior to women in Islam?