Getting married to a girl who was molested in childhood

Q: A relative was investigating a girl for my marriage. He learnt from a very reliable source that the girl was sexually molested when she was a child. When my parents learnt that the girl was molested as a child, they said that we should not investigate her anymore for my marriage.

Is this correct behavior? Is this a valid reason for not considering someone for marriage? In my opinion, it appears unfair to her as she was a na-baligh at the time. I do understand well that child sexual abuse victims often carry traumatic memories and emotional symptoms well into adulthood. But will this mean that one should not consider such a person for marriage entirely before looking at anything else, like character, morality, hayaa, etc.?

Travelling by train without purchasing a ticket

Q: I live in India. Previously I used to not take the railway ticket rules seriously. I used to enter railway platforms without a ticket (which is wrong and would be fined if caught). I have sometimes travelled in trains with improper ticket. Mostly unintentionally as the rules are very complex and so we end up breaking them without intending to. This would also have been fined for if I were caught.

Once I was caught by the inspector did not fine the amount stipulated by the government. Now I feel regret for all this. Is this a sin that we need to do tawba from? If yes, then would it be sufficient to do tawba in the heart or should I give also some monetary compensation for my violations ? (There is no proper government facility to collect fines for violations that go unnoticed). 

If I should give compensation, should I just pay the government the original amount that I should have paid? Or should I also give the fine that I would have had to give if I were caught? I am very confused as to what I should. Please guide me on this issue.

Conditional divorce in a letter

Q: Some months ago my wife got angry due to some family issues and went to her parents’ home but did not come back. I tried to bring her back but she didn't come. One day I sent her a letter that If you want to come then welcome a thousand times from my side otherwise consider this letter a divorce from my side. (I mentioned Talaaq, Talaaq Talaaq in letter). Decision is in your hands. Now I want to know whether divorce has happened after she got my letter or not?