Obeying Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: Is it mentioned in the Quran that obeying the Messenger is obeying Allah? When I asked someone that who should we obey more, Allah or the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)? They said obeying The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is the same as obeying Allah. Does it mean that we should equally obey them, wound we fall into shirk as we are obeying someone equally to Allah?

Court issuing a khula

Q: We filed khula case in the court and in reply of my husband's lawyer was that they agree if we return to them the maher, which they hadn't given us. Later they used delaying tactics to prolong the case just to torture me.

After three months we were summoned to the court but reconciliation was failed because I didn't agree. The judge repeated the case in front of us and gave a khula decree in front of all of us including my husband, his father and my father. My rukhsati was not done. Is this khula right according to shariah?

Woman traveling without a mahram

Q: I want to ask about travelling alone. My sister lives in Australia and she wants to visit us in India. She cannot come with her husband or son because of their work and school. My other sister is also coming from Saudi with her children so we can reunite as my mother is not well

My question is, is it permissible for her to travel alone as she is confused?