Writing a fiction book


1. If a person wrote a book which is a mix of fiction and non fiction and they sell the book, is the money earned from that halaal?

2. If that same book has slight romance in it, will the money earned from it be halaal?

3. If that same book has swearing (which the readers will be warned of) then is the money earned from it halaal?

Supporting poor women with zakaat money

Q: There are most of our relative women whose husbands don’t fall in the catogray of taking zakat, but they don’t care about these women in terms of their daily needs, continually working them in fields and if they became ill, they don’t take them to hospital. Because of illness, few died and others are suffering. Is it allowed if I support them with zakat.

Making dua for aafiyat and ease

Q: I have been experiencing alot of difficulties in life over the years and just can't be happy despite trying many things to remove the difficulties. I am always sad and depressed.

Many years ago around the time my problems started, I read a book about some of the pious people of the past. In it there was a narration about a well known pious person being seen in a dream by someone after he passed away. The person asked this pious person about his condition in the hereafter. The pious person said that Allah granted him a place in Jannat near the Sidratul Muntaha because he was always in the state of huzn. Immediately I made dua "Oh Allah, keep me also in the state of huzn and grant me also a place in Jannat near Sidratul Muntaha" without even knowing what huzn means. Some time after this I remembered this dua and found out what it means.

1. Could it be because of this dua I made out of ignorance that I am always depressed and having problems in my life?

2. If it is because of this dua, what do I do now to put an end to my problems and constant state of huzn?