Marrying one's first wife's niece

Q: I know a person who is married to 2 wives. The relation between the two wives is aunt and niece i.e. the second wife is the first wife's niece (that means his first wife's brothers daughter). The second wife had physical intimacy with the man before his second marriage. Does hurmat musaharah takes place in this case? Is the second marriage valid or not?


Q: My father in law, Mr. A has 6 daughters (all married). His late father had many properties which have not yet been distributed among his heirs due to some legal problems. Now Mr. A is not well. He has 4 questions:

1. Will Mr. A get his complete share as per shariah when the property is distributed?

2. If he passes away before the distribution, will his daughters get his complete share?

3. After his death, how will his property be shared among his heirs?

4. Can he make a will giving everything to his daughters now?

Inserting a tissue in the private part to prevent discharge


1. If a woman has a leucorrhea discharge problem and she knows after an hour or so she will experience a discharge but after performing ablution she inserts a tissue in the private area and offers her prayers the whole day knowing the fact that the discharge will be there when she will remove the tissue, will the salah perform in such condition be valid?

2. What is the shariah ruling regarding this?

3. Should she remove the tissue, clean and wipe the private area and then perform a fresh ablution when she knows she discharged?

4. If she does not insert the tissue and she offers her prayer and in the prayer she feels the discharge, will the wudhu break? Does she need to perform salaah again?

Charging the customer a handling fee when returning items with damaged packaging

Q: I have a general store where I sell a variety of different items. It often happens that a customer buys something, but later on has a change of heart and wants to return the item. The problem is that he has already damaged the packaging when opening the item e.g. he tore the plastic and box. This makes it difficult for me to resell the item because customers view the torn packaging as a defect in the item. What should I do in such situations? Can I inform customers that in the case where the packaging is damaged, a full refund will not be issued, instead 15% will be deducted from the refund?