Second husband being a mahram for the wife's daughter

Q: I am getting married to a woman who already has a daughter, from a previous marriage. Would I be a Mahram for this girl, because Allah says:

وربائبكم اللاتي في حجوركم من نسائكم اللاتي دخلتم بهن فإن لم تكونوا دخلتم بهن فلا جناح عليكم

Would it be ok for me to travel with this girl?

Will Hazrat Isa (alaihis salaam) return to this world as a new Nabi?

Q: I have heard that when Hazrat Isa Alayhis Salaam comes to this world he will come as a Nabi. But I am confused because we know and it is mentioned in the Quran Sharif that Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is the Seal of the Prophets and is the Final Prophet and Messenger, after him no new Nabi or Messenger will come to this World. Please clarify.

Cure for laziness

Q: I am so lazy that I don't feel like going to work or even to go for an interview. I only eat, sleep and pray salah at least once a day and recitation of the holy Qur'an after salah. My parents are worried that if I'm lazy then I won't do anything in life. Please make Dua for me and include my parents in your dua too. I recite often the verse from Surah Ibrahim ayat no 40 & 41. What can I do for my laziness?

Ingredients in make-up powders

Q: I want to ask a question about cosmetic ingredients mica and stearate acid which is used in face powders and blusher is it halal to use it? I read that mica is a kind of silicate or silicone which sticks to your hair and will not come out. It is not recommended because you cannot do wudhu. 

Paying a persons hospital bill with zakaat money

Q: I use to pay zakat to a mustahiq (one worthy of accepting zakat). During Ramadan, he had a heart attack and was admitted to hospital. He could not pay the bill. Neighbours collected funds to pay the hospital on his behalf. I also contributed to that fund through my zakat money. On getting discharged from hospital, he thanked me for my contribution. Is my zakat paid this way?

Living in the same house with one's ex-wife

Q: I divorced my wife 3 times not in 1 go. We are living in the same house as we have an 8 year old son. Me and my ex wife dont see each other in the house. If she is upstairs I am downstairs and vice versa. Its a rented property. She has said after her iddah she wil move out. Is it ok that we are living in the same house? Will we be sinful? Our son is becoming a hafiz so thats why I have not moved out from here as I wake him up in the morning and sit with him whilst he prays. He is used to being with me. He doesnt learn properly with his mum.