Touching one's father in law

Q: Somedays ago my father in law was ill. He is 76 yrs old and suffering brain stroke. When he was ill my mother in law was taking off his shirt because he was sweating. But she couldn't do it, so I helped her and touched my father in law's hand. Then I saw that his hand and my husbands hand is almost same type. I did not know what was the exact feeling, is it funny or surprising. Then I didn't give attention to it and I normally helped him. It was total of 1 or 1.5 min that I touched his hand. But I can remember very clearly that I felt disgusted when I touched his body because he was sweating. Then I removed my hand and washed it. Does that cause any harm in my relationship? My father in law cannot walk by himself, can't do anything without other's help. He can't move when he is lying in the bed. He can't even take his meal himself.

Doubts in salaah

Q: I lead the jamaat for asr salaah. In the second rakaat after surah fatiha, I'm not sure if I read another surah. I finished the salaah with this doubt in my mind. The maslah says that you must choose what your heart is more inclined to while you in salaah but when I read this salaah, I didn't know about this maslah. Should I make qadha of the salaah?

Marital problems

Q: I am married to my cousin for about 7 months now. It was an arranged marriage. After Nikah he showed his true colors. And since then I'm being emotionally and mentally abused by him. He also disagrees in sending me allowance (which is my right since I'm his responsibility). I want to take khula from him but I'm afraid that my relations with my relatives will be disrupted and they won't let me or my parents live in peace. What can I do?

Marrying a Shia

Q: Can a Sunni girl marry a Shi’a boy? He does not believe that Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) was the next prophet nor does he place more importance to him, they believe in Allah and that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the last messenger. They also follow the same Qur’an and have respect for all the other companions and family of the Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Grandfather gifting property to grandson

Q: My husband's grandfather signed over a piece of property to my husband when he was a child. The property is in his name in all the official paperwork. Is this property rightfully his or would he have to share it with his brothers and sisters? We would like to build a school for young girls on this piece of property, but all of his family members are objecting and would not like to build the school there. They want to sell the land and share the money. Does he have a right to build the school or does he have to share with his brothers and sister? We also have 4 children too.

Marrying someone that one's parents are not pleased with

Q: When I was ignorant about Islam I fell in love with a girl. When I went on the path of Islam I realised my mistake and eventually told her that this is haram. She didnt understand so I left her and made dua to Allah in every prayer to give her hidayat just like He showed me the path, nothing more. Allah miraculously changed her heart in a month and made her curious about Islam. She finally asked one day to know more about Islam on the phone. I sent her Islamic books to read. She became a good Muslim in a short time. She never misses any farz and also gives time with fellow Muslim women in reading hadith to them. I promised her to do nikah with her after asking my parents. But my parents are against it. They are too much depressed in losing dignity in society. My mother even cries for my choice. I told them I would never do nikah without their permission ever in life. But I am emotionally helpless, what should I do? 

Working for a bank

Q: I'm looking for a job and I got an offer in at an Investment Banking. I didn't know if I should accept it because I do not know if working in a bank is haram? Can I accept this job offer?