

1. I am excused with regards to wudu due to constant bleeding in my mouth following oral surgery. My mouth is inevitably impure during prayers. I know one is allowed a certain amount of impurity on themselves with which prayer is valid. Does the impurity in my mouth (for which I am excused), count? If I have a bit more impurity (blood) somewhere else on my body, would my salah be valid?

For example, while I was excused after oral surgery, I also had a blood clot in my mucus come out from my nose, and prayed without washing inside my nose (though I checked that there was no more blood in my nose after the clot came out). Is my salah valid?

2. Secondly, I have an infection on my toe from which blood/pus comes out frequently. Usually the amount that comes out is not enough to consider 'flowing'. Blood/pus tends to especially come out when I wash it for wudu.

My question is - given that when I make wudu and blood/pus is coming out, the water that flows over it will inevitably flow over the rest of my toe as well. Am I allowed to pray like that as it is inevitable? Also in general, if blood if flowing from a certain area, and one must pray, and during wudu the water goes over both the area with the blood and other areas, is one allowed to pray after that wudu? Or how does one wash the bleeding area, without spreading impurity? Also, does one have to wash the area that is under the chin, but before the throat, that is between the chin and throat, during wudu?

Rejecting the Sunnat of Nikaah

Q: There's a thing that is bothering me so much. A friend of mine hates marriage. Once there was a chart in my college that listed the sunnahs of Ambiya, one of them was nikah. She didn't believe that it was a sunnah, we told her that it was. Afterwards she jokingly said that she will cut this off the chart. Is this kufr? If this is indeed kufr and takes her out of the fold of Islam, she is going to be super offended and likely to throw a tantrum because nowadays people don't even know things that are kufr. How do I explain this to her?

Marital problems

Q: I had an issue with my wife a month ago and I need your assistance. She was hitting on the nanny and I asked her to stop the first time and a second time to no response. I got really angry and shouted on top of my voice for her to stop. This is the sequence of what happened afterwards:

1. She hissed at me in the presence of the kids

2. She said that I slapped her to everyone that needed to know

3. A week later she refused to give me dinner 4 her sisters and mother told her what she did was bad and to apologize she never heeded to the advice

4. She told her mother that I didn't leave money for food in the house since I left 10 days ago (which wasn't true)

5. Before I left the house I told her sister that she can leave to marry elsewhere if she's interested because I can't deal with these issues (a cleric in Nigeria suggests that was a divorce)

6. I can't find my way around her anymore because im really hurt by her behaviour

7. Her mother is now negatively interfering in the matter and is making things worse. She even said I was irresponsible and Allah will purnish me. 

Employer forgetting to pay the employee

Q: I am working as a madressa aapa. The person who employed me is old and sometimes forgets to pay me for up to 3 months. I don't mind, and when he does sometimes he forgets a month etc. Someone told me that he will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement which I don't want as he is old and forgetful and also like a father figure to me. Do I just make duaa and ask Allah not to hold him accountable.


Q: I wanted to ask a question regarding Islamic will as my dad wants to write his will. He currently has two properties, first one in uk which is on my father's name and the Second one in pakistan which is on both my parents names. Alhumdulilah both my parents are alive. We are 4 brothers and sisters, i.e. 2 brothers and 2 sisters. 3 of us are married and my younger brother is single. Elder brother has 3 children (2 daughters and 1 son). The rest have no children. Can you please guide us on how the wealth will be divided amongst everyone. Who will receive a share and who won't?

Boy's father not attending the nikaah

Q: I am an Indonesian, married to a Sudanese (living in Madinah, KSA). We married in my parents' house (un listed in government), while all his family members and his mother knew that we were getting marriedm except his father. His father actually knew but he said himself that officially he din't know because he doesn't accept our marriage, because my husband is still studying. The problem now, my parents want us to make it in government soon and everything is just being controlled. While I really wish for his father to bless us for our marriage, what do I have to do?

Respect for the husband

Q: Due to this hadith and seemingly degrading hadiths on women, I'm having doubts and resentments towards men. Can women decide to never be married? The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “It is not right for any human being to prostrate to another; if it were right for one human being to prostrate to another, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands because of the great rights that they have over them. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if a man were covered from head to foot with weeping sores oozing pus, and his wife were to come to him and lick his sores (to clean them), this would not fulfil the rights he has over her.’”

It's been days and I can't get over it. Explain this. If marriage means this,  I don't know what to think or say. These hadiths really distress me that much. Not only I have my own problems; now I have to read these hadiths which really discourage and sadden me.