Irregular bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I have 1 daughter who is 6 years old. And now I had a miscarriage on Dec 16... The bleeding followed for 13 days; 10 days haidh and 3 days istihadha. Then it was done.

On January 9, I started bleeding again. I took ghusl after 6 days on 16 Jan. On Jan 7 everything was clear and I prayed all my salaahs and on Jan 18 I suddenly started bleeding again. I took ghusl for that on Jan 19.

On Jan 28 I started bleeding again. It was just for an afternoon... Then on Monday Jan 29 verything was clear...

Today, Jan 30 I started bleeding again..

How do I calculate the days of haidh and the days of istihadha? This is really confusing for me. I have never had irregular menses since buloogh and my aadat has always been 5 days only.

Returning to one's husband after a divorce

Q: My father has recently passed away and he got murdered brutally by a man who hit him on his head with a knife and then slit his throat whilst my dad was still alive. I loved my father very much and it feels to me that somebody has killed me brutally. I am worried that my father may be in pain or discomfort in his grave. I read surah mulk at night but I feel very restless.

Also I have recently been divorced (1 year ago) but my husband gave me verbal divorce and now he says that he can bring me back only if at the cost that I accept his terms and conditions once being that I may not be able to work for a while. I don't want to go back to my husband as I hate him now and I want to consider someone else (my colleague) who gives me the respect I deserve and loves me. What do I need to do in this situation? If I don't go back to my husband, would it be a sin? I feel frustrated that I haven't done enough for my dad and he may be suffering... I can't sleep and I have arthritis and fibromyalgia which aggravated my muscular pain when I am in stress. Sometimes I just think that I should die as all this frustration and worry for my father is killing me and I feel helpless. 

Marital problems

Q: I have a friend who is passing a very hard time in her marriage. She got married by force of her family to a person who does not give her respect she deserves. I know in Islam, a wife should fulfil every need of her husband. But if the husband is not respecting his wife, he is using her only for his pleasure. My friend cries everyday because of physical and mental torture she bears by her husband. She has not yet started feeling love for her husband and when she asked him not to touch her now, he insists, then he forces her to have sexual relations with him.

My friend is going into deep depression day by day, and she can't even talk to anyone about it. She asked me if I know any dua that can prevent her husband to touch his wife. I said to her, in my belief there is no such dua that exists. But I feel feel sad for her thats why I am contacting a mufti to help me with a solution so that I can give her some relief.