Person who has scabs and open wounds making wudhu


1. I have persistent acne on my scalp and pimples often pop and pus/blood comes out. If a pimple pops then scabs, are these scabs impure?

2. If I wash my head when it has many scabs on it does the water become impure? If one of these scabs falls off, do I have to purify the area?

3. I also have a persistent toe infection that also drains pus/blood on and off at random times. For nearly all my fardh prayers, the infection spot is bleeding/draining pus. My question is, if my toe is bleeding/draining pus and it's time for prayer, how to I wash the area? I mean if I wash it normally, then the water that runs over it (which will no doubt run over the rest of my toe as well) will be impure, making my entire toe impure. How should I deal with this? In fact, how should one deal with washing bleeding limbs for wudu in general? If one runs water over it, the water becomes impure and everywhere else the water touches becomes impure. Is this impurity disregarded during prayer?

Meaning of makrooh

Q: In several answers you use the word "makrooh", for example in the answer to the question "Omitting a Surah in-between two Surahs". Can you please clarify what you mean with "makrooh". Is it sinful to do a "makrooh" act as a one off? If so, what is the difference between "makrooh" and "haram"?

Changing one's life

Q: I have a scary problem. This is how my story begins. Since I was young, I prayed as how my mum asked me to and obeyed her. If I asked Allah for anything then He granted it to me, Alhamdullilah. Since I reached the age of 15 my life changed. I started missing some salat and now I am 18 and in this stupid situation. I want to change and I don't know what's stopping me from becoming a better Muslim. I cry almost every day. I dream some times and see the grave and the hereafter. Sometimes I see in my dream that I entered Jannah. I want to change. Will Allah accept my repentance? I really need help from you ustaadh. I want to memorize the Quran but I can't do anything since I am in school and am not successful. My problem is if I die, will I enter hell? 

Girl getting married without being divorced by husband

Q: One of my friends who is a girl married a boy 2 years ago. The boy's family misbehaved with her and her husband used to beat her sometimes for no reason and demanded materialistic things and even money. Then he fled to another country for almost a year and returned married to another girl without giving written or oral talaq to his first wife. He denied to accept her first wife.  Now the case is in court pending for final decision. 

1. Is it permissible for the man to marry another girl without the consent of his first wife?

2. Is it prohibited for the girl to marry again without the oral or written talaq given by her husband?

Marital problems

Q: My husband has 2 wives. I am his 1st wife with no kids. From the 2nd wife he has 2 kids. One passed away. After getting married to the 2nd wife, his behaviour changed toward me. He is very bad towards me and very good towards her. He scolds me for every small mistake and sometimes beats me if I oppose him or if I'm rude to him. One day I asked him why his behaviour to his 2nd wife is very good. He said that she is not understanding and patient like me. So if he hurts her then she will not let him meet his child. When I asked him that why is his behaviour bad with me. He said that many times he feels angry with his mother, sister, friends, relatives and 2nd wife. But he cant hurt them and he doesnt want to lose them by behaving bad. So he takes out all his anger and frustration on me because losing me is not a big deal since I cant give him children in future.

I cant tell to my parents and every body else is telling me to have patience. I am in depression. How can I explain to my husband that Allah is watching his actions? 

Walking with impure shoes on a carpet

Q: I stepped on some stool of an animal but was unaware until later in the day. The place I work is in a room that is carpeted. The day I was working, it was also raining making the soul of the shoe wet making me believe that the najasat has spread on the carpeted floor at my place of work. Now, as I work there on a regular basis I wanted to know:

1. If I would have to clean the carpet in the room?

2. How would I clean the carpet in the whole room as the carpet is stuck to the floor.

3. Would it suffice using a mop or wipes to just wipe over the carpet?

4. If I walked on the carpet again with wet shoes would the napaaki transfer from the carpet to my shoe to other areas e.g. car, home etc...

Doubts regarding black magic

Q: I'm 29 years old. I'm only one sister and I have two brothers. I was in a relationship with a boy in college. I took some photos with him also. Now I learnt that this type of relationship is haram. I'm making istighfaar to Almighty Allah and I'm keeping a distance fromo that boy. Now I want to get married to a boy that my famliy chose but this boy that I was with in college is making my life miserable. I'm praying to Allah to protect me but day by day this boy is making my life bad. Some people say that he did black magic so I can't get married. My brother is angry with me and he is in so much distress. I'm so helpless. I understand this was a big mistake in my life. Can I go to some people who know how to treat black magic? 

Marital problems

Q: My queston is related to wife not obeying her husband. We are married for more than 1 year. After my marriage, my wife don't like my mother she has problems with my mother daily and she creates some issue on it. I understand she is new to my family and needs time to adjust. She has made a negative image about my mother in her mind and she didn't see her positive side. I agree that sometime my mother is not right. I daily explain to my wife to please obey me and respect my mother.

My mother never asked her to cook food or to obey her. She doesn't interfere in my life but beacuse my wife has created a negative image about her she didn't like her. She always saysthat  aap stand nhi leta aap mujhe support nhi karta all that. I know my mothers nature. She is not like that, in every family few thing happen but my mother what she say she take it as negative. She always says that my mother is not understanding and that she is married. She needs to draw a line daily.

Now with grace of Allah she give birth to a beautiful baby girl. I thought things will change but it is going worst. My daughter is 21 days old and she doing the same thing. I don't want to leave my mother but I don't want to leave my wife and child. I try my best to explain to her through hadis and dua but she is not understanding. I try to explain to her what the Prophet says when your parents reach old age. Don't say anything to them and keep patience but she is not understanding because of that my health is impacting tension depression etc. I dont know what should I do If u ask me she is loosing my respect. She is not on my expectation, she is not obeying her husband. Please tell what should I do if u ask me I dont place for her in my heart I just ask her to respect my family she is not doing so daily we have fight I am tensed and in pressure please suggest me the positon solution in lighting of islam

Who is responsible for damages to a rented house?

Q: A brother and sister had two parents living in city A. At 16, the sister left and moved to South Africa where she ended up living, eventually getting married, having children and owning a business. Alhumdulillah, very successful. The brother stayed in city A, and ended up staying and living with his parents, until they were old and both died. Both parents had very bad health issues, were disabled, and it was a very challenging last few years. He is a teacher and recently married very late in life. The inheritance of both parents were equally divided to both children, while they were alive to, 1 house each. While the mother was alive the rental income from the daughters house was her income, while they lived in the son's house. After the parents death, the tenants of the daughters house were removed because of no rent payment. The house was in complete disarray and broken and dirty inside. Now, we are trying to determine who pays for the damages? There is no money left from estate.