
Q: For hurmat musaaharat to be established, is it necessary that shahwah be felt at the exact time of touching. Now suppose a man touches a female. He did not intend to touch her with desire. But their hands were together for a few times. At this time the man felt lust. That mans, shahwah was not present at the beginning of the touching, but it came when the hands were in contact of each other. Does it establish hurmat musahara?

Marital problems

Q: Me and my husband have been apart for 6 years. He has not supported me and our daughter. I have given him an ultimatum to choose before we got seperated because he was abusing me physically and emotionally and financially. He became violent and started to disrespect my family and me. The Imam of our town said the marriage can be claimed void due to the fact that we have not been in any contact for 6 years and also if we can find out if he converted back to his previous religion. Can you please tell me if it is possible because I want to move on with my life and the Imam is dragging the whole process.

Guidelines regarding Male Haircuts

Q: I know that it is not permissible for women to cut or trim their hair. However, I wish to enquire about male haircuts. Is it permissible for a barber to cut males’ hair in uneven lengths? I was informed that it is permissible for males to cut their hair in uneven lengths and it does not enter under the prohibition of qaza’ mentioned in the Hadith. Can you explain to me the laws of Shari’ah that relate to cutting the hair?

Following the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat

Q: Is there a difference between Wahabbis and Deobandis? If yes, what is it? I know it can be a bit irrelevant but I don't go to shrines and family go. I haven't told them, I just make excuses so, I shared this with some friends and close friends said that I should write to someone but few of them said that it means that my sect is Deobandi and some said Wahabbis.

I'm sure if it's necessary to have a sect? Please tell me if I'm on the right path and if it's according to our Deen? If not then what should I do?