Finding out the qiblah direction

Q: Me and my father were in a new town at the time of salaah. My father used some kind of compass and found the Qiblah direction. The next day we found the Qiblah to be different, as my father made some kind of mistake or the compass didn’t work properly, maybe 90 degrees in different direction was what we originally faced. Must the salaah read in the wrong direction be repeated? 


Q: I have a discharge problem and I fall under the category of mazoor. I have a few questions

1. Do I need to make istinja for every salaah?

2. Do I need to change my panty liner for every salaah?

3. I'm pregnant and I have a gas problem, will passing wind break my wudhu?

4. If I'm making tawaaf and I pass wind. Will I need to remake my wudhu?

Performing qasar salaah when studying safar distance from home

Q: I take Pietermaritzburg as my home (Wathne Asli), however due to me studying and being married, I live in Isipingo Beach and take Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat. If I stay in Isipingo for less than 15 days will I be a musaafir in Isipingo? Doesَ my wife have to follow my intention as taking Pietermaritzburg as my Wathne Asli and Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat, or can she take Isipingo as her Wathne Asli?