Commencing salaah with Surah Fatiha

Q: I read in tafseer Ibn kathir that Surah Fateha has seven verses in it and there are some Hadith also there in that tafseer from two sahihs that Bismillahir rahman nir Raheem is a first verse of Surah Fateha. There are only seven verses in Surah Fateha. Now, I saw in Sahih Bukhari Narrated From Anas bin Malik (radhiyallahu anhu): Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu anhu) and 'Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) used to start the prayer with "Alhamdulillahi rabbil aala min" Vol-1,book 12, number 710. ( Sahih Bukhari-- characteristics of prayer). Now, what should we start the prayer with?

Marrying a non-Muslim

Q: A Muslim brother is asking whether it is permissible to make nikaah to a non-Muslim (Hindu/Tamil). He is very keen on doing it the right way although the girl at the moment is not ready to read shahada. She is pregnant with his child and is willing to allow the child, when born, to be a practicing Muslim. What is the ruling for this brother?

Woman seeking employment outside the home


1. Under what conditions can a married woman seek employment outside the home?

2. If a woman does work, what rights does her husband have over how she spends her money? What rights does a wife have over how her husband spends his money?

3. Please confirm what are specific things that a man is required to spend on with regards to his wife that fulfills the decrees of Quraan, Sunnah, Shariah etc.