
Revoking a talaaq

Q: If the wife says that the husband said "I divorce you one time" and the husband denies that he said it. They keep on living like husband and wife. Is the wife committing sin as the husband did not give three divorces and is denying the one as well. 

Husband saying "he does not want to continue the relationship"

Q: I got married in 1995. In 1998, my husband said on the phone "If you don't come by tonight's flight we will not be able to stay together, but as flights were not available I could only reach the next day. My husband did not intend to divorce me.

1. Is it counted as one divorce?

In 2002 we had to sign a court paper in America of divorce due to some official issues but we asked a clergy if this will be counted as divorce and he said no. After making sure that it does not affect our relationship we signed the papers, and stayed afterwards together as husband and wife.

2. Is it counted as talak?

In 2003, after a fight with my husband, he sent me mail saying that he does not want to continue the relationship but he did not use the term talak, but he intended to give talak. We are staying seperately after that but we spoke to each other atleast once or twice in a year as some mufti told me that I am not divorce and to keep the relationship I should be talking to him. After that I consulted many muftis to know if our relationship existed but some said that it existed while others said that it did not.

Please confirm as we want to stay together now after a lot of hardships for many years. We are trying to stay together but because of this being not clear we are not able to continue our relationship. 

Wife receiving a divorce letter with a forged signature

Q: I received a divorce letter four months ago in which my husband's signature is mentioned. Now my husband is saying that he did not sign those papers. He lives abroad so he asked his father to process the divorce and his father sent me that letter with his fake signature and sent that divorce letter to me. Now he is saying that our divorce did not take place. Can you please guide me if my divorce happened or not?

Divorced woman living with her parents


1. Does a divorced woman have to go back and live with her parents i.e. is it compulsory?

2. If a woman is divorced, does she have to live under the rules of her parents?

3. If she lives separately is it haraam?

4. Would the same ruling apply if she is able to take care of herself financially? If no, then what is the ruling for a woman who can take care of herself financially?

5. Is it compulsory to get married a second time? 

Saying "It's done" while discussing talaaq

Q: My husband divorced me once over the phone but made ruju. Later on we had many fights. I asked him for divorce or to end the marriage and he said "ho gayi" meaning it's done, along with many other words that I don't remember. This was in person.

Then at another time after more fights, I asked him to end this and he said, "Samjho ho gayi or ho chuki" meaning consider it done. I wanted him to text me the word talaq but he said I'll send the papers in mail. I gave him the address because he asked. But he couldn't go through with it. Later on, he said since he didn't use the word divorce, it probably didn't occur. 

Divorce during pregnancy

Q: Is divorce during pregnancy halaal? If a husband thinks he cannot move on with his relationship with his wife, can he divorce his wife during pregnancy? Whether yes or no, in either case, please explain when will the iddat terminate.