How to pass away with imaan
Q: Is there a dua or zikr or action a person can do to pass away with imaan?
Q: Is there a dua or zikr or action a person can do to pass away with imaan?
Q: Is it necessary to deactivate the social media account of a deceased person? The person only has a few photos on their account.
Q: Is it jaaiz to seal the grave with concrete so that no one else could be buried there?
Q: I am scared of death and please tell me what happens after death. I was so scared at night.
Q: According to the Hindu faith when a person passes away, the people who go to the funeral house must wear white. As a Muslim, would I be sinful if I wore white when going to the funeral house?
Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim doctor to carry out postmortems on bodies?
1. What are the signs of someone who is going to pass away, what should one look for?
2. In a case of a coma patient, what should one read into the patients ear when the doctors advise that it is near his/her time due to organ failure?
3. What zikr will make this time easy for the patient?
Q: Is there any reward mentioned in the Hadith for the one who gives ghusl to the deceased, enshrouds him in the kafan and buries him?
Q: Can one read fardh salaah in the cemetery?
Q: Is it permissible to ask a deceased wali (or a deceased murshid) to do dua for oneself?