
Selling chickens by weight

Q: My question is regarding weighing. I work in a shop where halaal meat is sold. They sometimes put offers on. For example, 3lb weight chicken breast boneless. The actual weight is maybe 50g for example less because the meat is cleaned from excess fat for the benefit of the customer.

My question is the butchers clean the chicken from excess fat beforehand and put on display. They then give them that chicken less the 50g or so from the 3lb weight. My heart tells me this is not right but maybe it is. Could you please let me know?

Earning via boosting game accounts

Q: I have been earning via boosting game accounts which is basically leveling them up to a certain level and then selling it to customers. However, the game seems to ban some of my accounts because of the violation of terms of sales whenever it detects me boosting them. Furthermore, I'll have to make sure I create as much randomness as possible in the process of making the account so that I cannot be detected boosting them. I would like to know if this is a haraam or a halaal way of earning as I put a lot of time and effort in boosting these accounts and I make sure they are sold to the customers with complete honesty and warranty of the account.

Taking possession of an item before selling it

Q: I want to sell items (mostly food) via social media. e.g. tubs of biscuits, sweetmeats, pastries etc. I do not make these items nor keep any on hand i.e. made to order. The items will be procured from multiple home vendors. I will advertise these items via social media and interested parties will contact me to order and pay me for the items. I will then order the items for the buyer and the buyer will collect from me or from known pickup points in different areas. I will be paid before I have the items in my possession and I will pay the baker once I collect/receive the items.

Will I need to get the order, buy/pay and have the item in hand before I accept funds from the buyer? Will this type of model be permissible? If not, what will I need to adjust in my model for it to be permissible?

Copyright for images

Q: I am editing a kitaab where I have placed different titles in arabic (Alayhis salaam, Radi-Allahu-Anhu etc.) after the names of the Sahaabah, Prophets and Angels etc. Most of them came standard with the software I use however it was missing one which was Radi-Allahu-Anhaa, to be used after A'isha. I found a suitable arabic image for it online but I would like to know should I ask the owner of the documents permission before using this image ? I'm not taking any information from the document itself just the arabic title itself as it is difficult to find a nice image otherwise.

Carrying out a credit transaction without the presence of witnesses

Q: I am in business of steel and rubber trade in which I used to give material on credit without any witnesses. Recently I heard a speech of a scholar that Allah will not hear your prayers if you had given credit without any witness.

Is there any remedy to my situation and also does the material on credit and money givien on credit come under the same ruling?

Buying stock from a Muslim who sells lotto tickets

Q: A Muslim shop owner buys stock i.e. cigarettes, cold drink, etc. from another Muslim but the person they are buying stock from is selling lotto tickets or gambling vouchers. The Muslim shop owner wants to know if they buy stock from the other Muslim owner that sells gambling vouchers or lotto tickets, would the stock they buy, as well as the income be halaal or haraam?